The Great Reset / Agenda 2030

De Great Reset is dood, lang leve de Great Reset​

En nu verandert de Great Awakening steeds meer in een Great Acceleration of Grote Versnelling, waarbij ze zoveel mogelijk verdeeldheid proberen te zaaien. Dit is waarom ze een hekel hebben aan Elon Musk, nu hij Twitter van hen heeft afgepakt. Dit is waarom ze een reisverbod willen opleggen aan Tucker Carlson, nu hij president Poetin heeft geïnterviewd.
Elitist prick. Fuck him and all the others like him who think they are better than all of us. Imagine being so arrogant that you think a system where only a small, favored class get to travel is ok and the masses get to have VR headsets. Wow. These people are unelected but they believe they can rule over us. Why do they believe that is acceptable or viable? How long do we let them get away with that?

“Globalists HATE America.” - @realDonaldTrump 💯💯💯

They not only hate America, but they HATE HUMANITY AS A WHOLE.

We are the “cattle” and the “useless eaters”.

America stands in the way as the biggest obstacle to their plans to construct a One World Government (NWO), because at the core of our Constitution are the principles of LIBERTY & FREEDOM.

Once America FALLS, then so shall the ENTIRE WORLD.

We are literally hanging on by the strand of a thread.


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