Trump 2024

If part of the 2nd Trump Administration, General Flynn vows accountability for the traitors in our government 🔥

“They don’t want to think for a second that Mike Flynn, God forbid, might be back in government at some point in time. And guess what folks? … Will I hold you accountable? … YES, you MUST be held accountable.”

There’s a reason they fear this man.

@GenFlynn @RedPill78

Trump is now urging Biden to debate him now and stop being a coward.
Biden says "If I were him I'd want to debate me too."
Dems are attempting to have debates late into the campaign trail so the people won't have time to change their minds on how much of a husk of a human being Joe is. But then again, they should know this by now.
How badly would eviscerate Biden in a debate? That would be must watch TV just for the sheer amusement of it.


Is Trump saying there will be snap elections way before November? Here's a scenario:

Scare event (thread of WW3) unfolding as we speak. If Israel decides to retaliate against Iran, Russia and China might join, causing the US to join. Who's been saying he can fix this? Trump. The deal maker can step in and be the hero of the world. People will then cry out for justice. Mass arrests will take place, leaving the US ungoverned. The military calls for snap elections and Trump takes all 50.


Is Trump saying there will be snap elections way before November? Here's a scenario:

Scare event (thread of WW3) unfolding as we speak. If Israel decides to retaliate against Iran, Russia and China might join, causing the US to join. Who's been saying he can fix this? Trump. The deal maker can step in and be the hero of the world. People will then cry out for justice. Mass arrests will take place, leaving the US ungoverned. The military calls for snap elections and Trump takes all 50.


  • Leuk
Waarderingen: Binc
Don't be discouraged by anyone saying that voting is pointless. Either they are feds or are useful idiots for the deep state who are working to keep Trump out of office by demoralizing voters. We will overwhelm the system with the largest landslide victory in history. This will give the second Trump administration the legitimacy it needs to drain the swamp properly.

Excellent segment with @GenFlynn, who just received 8 subpoenas last night. [They] are determined to stop him from ever getting back into our government. What are they so afraid of?

Bannon asks at the end if he would consider running as VP if President Trump asks him to. He said it's a "hard question to say 'no' to." He said he discusses this in his movie.

FLYNN: "At this point in time, given everything going on in this country, I absolutely would."

I still like the idea of putting him in charge of a newly-formed "Department of Retribution"! 😏

Zoals vaker gezegd, tweederde van de Trump-kiezers denkt zo. Tegelijkertijd bekritiseert Trump Netanyahu als hij ook maar enigzins de kans krijgt en zei hij in een recent interview dat de Israelische lobbybeweging AIPAC het complete Amerikaanse parlement in de zak heeft. Zijn zoon, Don Jr., tweette laatst de uitspraak van Volraire dat als je wil weten wie over je heerst je moet kijken naar wie je niet kunt bekritiseren. The Trumps know!

This is perhaps the BEST White Pill you will see. 🚨🚨🚨

.@FareedZakaria from .@CNN totally SWEATING over the imminent return of .@realDonaldTrump, he doesn’t “see a path forward” to a .@JoeBiden victory in 2024 and that Democrats have to be “honest about reality”.

“I have to admit, none of this is playing out as I thought it would.”

"I doubt the New York indictment would have been brought against a defendant whose name was not Donald Trump."

The message is abundantly CLEAR…



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