Trump 2024

Zoals nu bekrnd: Volgens informatie die op sociale media wordt gedeeld, is de Trump-schutter ter plaatse gearresteerd en geïdentificeerd als Mark Violets, een extreem-linkse Antifa-militant. Voorafgaand aan de moordaanslag op Donald Trump uploadde Mark Violets een video op YouTube waarin hij beweerde dat "gerechtigheid komt".

Onder de reacties plaatste iemand dit:


🇺🇸En un video es posible ver que el equipo contrafrancotirador del Servicio Secreto estaba en alerta y apuntando hacia la misma ubicación donde fue encontrado el tirador más tarde, pero por algún motivo no abrieron fuego hasta que el tirador lo hizo.

Este grave error de seguridad permitió la muerte de 1 civil, heridas a otros 2 y casi la muerte de un expresidente. De por sí el hecho de que el techo del edificio donde estaba el tirador no estuviera asegurado es aún más grave.

🇬🇧In a video it is possible to see that the Secret Service counter-sniper team was on alert and aiming at the same location where the shooter was later found, but for some reason they did not open fire until the shooter did.

This serious security lapse resulted in the death of 1 civilian, the wounding of 2 others and the near death of a former president. In itself the fact that the roof of the building where the shooter was located was not secured is even more serious.

WTF. At the Trump assassination press conference, they are now saying that law enforcement was responding to MULTIPLE reports of suspicious activity.
Several suspicious occurrences allegedly happened outside of just the shooter on the roof.
They address the fact that people were telling law enforcement that there was a man on the roof and saying he was outside of the secure area.
Were there multiple people involved? What does this even mean?
They have not officially released the name of the shooter to the press.

Another eye witness says that he told law officers there was a man on the roof climbing between multiple rooftops and they did absolutely nothing to stop him until it was too late! WTF!
We need an investigation into the Trump assassination attempt immediately!

"I saw a guy on top of one of the buildings, go in between one building to the next, and went and told the officer that he was up there. And when I went back to my spot I heard that people could still see the person from where they were standing so I checked that out, and I went and went back to tell the officer that if he came over there he could see them. And when I turned my back it's when the shots when the shots started and it was it took me a second or two to figure out exactly what it was. And then it was just getting out of there…and helping some other person out with her child and we got out And that was that was the end of that And I went and left and that was all....So this man was able to basically…climb to the next building…and you told law enforcement, Hey there's a guy over there. Correct I don't know how he got up there I don't know any of that but I definitely saw him up there And, sir, And that was…that was all."


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