Trump 2024

Another eye witness says that he told law officers there was a man on the roof climbing between multiple rooftops and they did absolutely nothing to stop him until it was too late! WTF!
We need an investigation into the Trump assassination attempt immediately!

"I saw a guy on top of one of the buildings, go in between one building to the next, and went and told the officer that he was up there. And when I went back to my spot I heard that people could still see the person from where they were standing so I checked that out, and I went and went back to tell the officer that if he came over there he could see them. And when I turned my back it's when the shots when the shots started and it was it took me a second or two to figure out exactly what it was. And then it was just getting out of there…and helping some other person out with her child and we got out And that was that was the end of that And I went and left and that was all....So this man was able to basically…climb to the next building…and you told law enforcement, Hey there's a guy over there. Correct I don't know how he got up there I don't know any of that but I definitely saw him up there And, sir, And that was…that was all."

Ron Johnson nails it. Trump did not need to put his life at risk yet he continues to do so every single day. For what reason? Because he loves this country.
"President Trump knew exactly the risks he was taking, running for reelection. He knew he'd be vilified. He probably didn't understand the full extent of law fair. He realized his life would be at risk. But he did it anyway and you know why Jake? Because President Trump loves this country. And that's the other thing I would say about his supporters those rally goers. That's if there's one attribute that Trump supporters have in common, they fervently love this country. And so…If the rest of America can understand that about Donald Trump about the people who support Donald Trump, I think they love this country as well There's a good place to start the healing and unification of this country. We need to understand that about each other."

Even the mainstream media doesn't understand why they had no one on the roof just 150 yards away from President Trump. A former Secret Service agent told them that if there was no coverage on that roof that it will be an issue in the investigation.
They even ask her about the people telling local law enforcement that there was someone on the roof and that somehow there was no communication between the cops and Secret Service?
Why was nothing done to stop this? WTF?

"Would you have had perhaps a local official…secure that roof to make sure the roof is clear make sure nobody's in the building and then sand guard there? Yes but they should have They I would I would presume you should have a local police presence in that area Now could you have put somebody on that rooftop...
That's gonna be an issue Why was it why weren't those adjacent buildings look like looked at They are very close Yes And if there was somebody station there from local law enforcement outside the building where the shooter was. As you consider the possibilities, how could he have gotten up there? So as I look at this and again just from a preliminary assessment without having all the details, it seems to me what I would presume before the president goes up on stage.
It is interesting because there were eyewitnesses…who said they were actually positioned kind of outside the rally but we're just listening, and that they saw the gunman up with the rifle flying around. They were trying to tell some of the local officials that they saw there Is there a way to communicate I mean these are split second decisions. But for example, if there had been a state police officer outside on that or perimeter and someone said, there's a guy up there with a gun Can that message get communicated to secret service quickly Are they all on the same comms?"

Security Expert says that allowing the near Trump assassination to take place was either extreme incompetence or a collaborated plot. 🚨
He says that there is no reason why the rooftop that was allegedly "outside of their perimeter" was not secured.
We now know it was only 150 yards from the stage and people were telling security about the shooter WAY before it even happened.
We need a full investigation immediately.
"How on earth someone in such an obvious rooftop position, with a clear line of sight to the former president how on earth they weren't picked up on by the security services how they were able to get on the roof and and and mount a rifle, in such vision and in such clear view of everyone and and and get to the stage where they can actually fire shots…It's astounding. I'll be honest with you there is something a little bit fishy about this situation because ultimately…you know when you're running the protection of a principle one of the biggest concerns that you will always have is if you're taking them into open spaces that wherever you heart have that event you want lock it down secured as much as possible. And the secret service that will be attached to President Trump should have got all of the highest positions the overviews that there would be of the event space covered. And that's not only the spaces that they themselves can then observe everybody who may be on the ground anybody who might be in the vicinity, but also on other rooftops in apartment windows, in office windows. So there's something a little bit a little bit suspicious about this. It really falls into one two areas there is either incompetence in terms of the security planning…or…collaboration or collusion In terms of enabling there to be a vacuum, a void within the security that could be potentially filled.
Apparently it was outside of their perimeter, so is that anything they can say that they couldn't have forseen?
Not really. I finding this really difficult to be a defensible position by the Secret Service."

Spaanse nieuws .

TV, La Sexta, definieert de terrorist die Donald Trump probeerde te vermoorden als een "slachtoffer".

Krant, El Pais, na een ogenschijnlijke aanslag

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