Trump 2024

Die oortjes zijn van het merk Nova. Op 7 oktober heette die rave aan de grens met Gaza ook Nova. Kamala behoort tot de cult. Hun religie houdt o.a. Revelation of the Method in, vooraankondiging van wat er staat te gebeuren of simpelweg ons in ons gezicht uitlachen over wat ze hebben gedaan. Publicaties in Israel spreken nu openlijk over helicopters die hun volledige lading aan kogels leegschoten op alles wat bewoog en dan terugvlogen voor een nieuwe lading, omdat er geen commandostructuur was door het uitschakelen van de communicatie door Hamas. Dit nieuws wordt stilgehouden hier in het westen, maar zou op termijn maar zo groot nieuws kunnen worden hier. Dit zou wel eens een gamechanger kunnen worden in de beeldvorming over Israel.

Happening Now: Things are not looking good for Kamala Harris and ABC News. First, a whistleblower has offered to come forward with proof that Kamala was given the questions beforehand and promised Trump would be fact checked.

Now, Mark Penn, a former advisor for the Clintons, is calling on an independent investigation into ABC News for rigging a debate.

The question is, will ABC and Harris admit to cheating?

The part you’re leaving out is that Those Haitian refugees are created by the Oligarchs, western economic hitmen & imperialism.

They love to see workers turn on even poorer more desperate people instead of turning their attention on the people who created those refugees in the first place.

Kamala harris is busy creating more Haitian refugees as people lash out at their neighbors instead of the Oligarchs who are creating them. You should point this out.

Trump & you would be doing a service if you pointed out what the root cause of the problem is instead of focusing on the result which makes people turn on the desperate refugees U.S. economic hitmen & imperialism created.

There’s no doubt that suddenly importing tens of thousands of foreigners into a small town will have dramatic consequences and engender resentment from the residents.

But pretending this starts at the border is naive, at best, and disingenuous.

Permanent Washington has long meddled in Haiti’s affairs via invasions, occupations, multiple coups, and is now engineering another military occupation of Haiti with hundreds of millions of American tax dollars.

If we’d stop destabilizing countries under the guise of “democracy promotion”, then we wouldn’t have these immigration crises.

Will you pledge, if elected, to abandon the Biden administration’s policy of meddling in Haitian affairs?

There’s no doubt that suddenly importing tens of thousands of foreigners into a small town will have dramatic consequences and engender resentment from the residents.

But pretending this starts at the border is naive, at best, and disingenuous.

Permanent Washington has long meddled in Haiti’s affairs via invasions, occupations, multiple coups, and is now engineering another military occupation of Haiti with hundreds of millions of American tax dollars.

If we’d stop destabilizing countries under the guise of “democracy promotion”, then we wouldn’t have these immigration crises.

Will you pledge, if elected, to abandon the Biden administration’s policy of meddling in Haitian affairs?


Zouden alle "3e wereldslanden" zich dermate ontwikkelen zonder Westerse militaire interventies dat er geen vluchtelingen meer ontstaan?
Ja. Deze landen beschikken vaak over de meeste grondstoffen, maar worden leeggeroofd door koloniale machten en corrupte overheden.

Ja. Deze landen beschikken vaak over de meeste grondstoffen, maar worden leeggeroofd door koloniale machten en corrupte overheden.

De koloniale machten zijn binnenkort verdreven. Dan hebben zij nog een culturele omslag nodig om zelf geen tiranieke heersers meer te krijgen.

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