
Luister naar Trump’s respons (van afgelopen 10 februari) als hij gevraagd wordt speaker of the house te worden…

“Eerlijk gezegd, hoop ik dat we dat niet nodig hebben, omdat wat moet gebeuren het plan is waar we nu mee bezig zijn en ik denk dat het een plan is dat mensen, heel, heel blij zal maken, we zullen dat later aankondigen, maar dat is wat er werkelijk zou moeten gebeuren…”

Dat klinkt alsof hij een plan heeft eerder terug te keren dan de midterms (nov. dit jaar). Een plan waarbij het niet de bedoeling is om speaker of the house te worden!

Het campagneteam van Hillary Clinton heeft een techbedrijf ingeschakeld om servers van Donald Trump te hacken en zo schadelijke informatie over de voormalig president op tafel te krijgen. Dat blijkt uit ’explosieve’ stukken die een speciaal aanklager bij de rechtbank heeft ingediend, waarover The New York Post bericht.
EXCLUSIVE: The servers for former President Donald Trump's TRUTH Social are up and running and will have the platform fully operational by the expected end-of-quarter launch date, FOX Business has learned.

Sources familiar told FOX Business that beta testing for the Trump Media & Technology Group (TMTG) TRUTH Social is also underway, and that the average user in the United States can expect to download the app and create accounts by the end of March.

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Can you imagine that, what should be the biggest story of our time, bigger than Watergate, is getting absolutely no mention, ZERO, in the New York Times, Washington Post, ABC Fake News, NBC Fake News, CBS Fake News, ratings-dead CNN, and MSDNC. This in itself is a scandal, the fact that a story so big, so powerful, and so important for the future of our Nation is getting zero coverage from LameStream, is being talked about all over the world. Just like they wouldn’t talk about the many Biden corruption scandals prior to the Election, (or for that matter now!), they won’t talk about this, which is potentially even bigger. It shows how totally corrupt and shameless the media is. Can you imagine if the roles were reversed and the Republicans, in particular President Donald Trump, got caught illegally spying into the Office of the President? All hell would break loose and the electric chair would immediately come out of retirement. The good news is, everybody is talking about not only this atrocity against our Nation, but that the press refuses to even mention the major crime that took place.
Look to “Twitter” exactly this: My fellow Americans The storm is upon us. Zal dat zijn 1e post worden op zijn platform?
False claims Trump will charge $4.99 per week for Truth Social

Twitter users have been spreading the claim that Truth Social, former President Donald Trump's yet-to-be-launched social media platform, intends to charge users $4.99 per week. But the allegation isn't actually true.

But Truth Social has not stated that it intends to charge users. And the screenshot being spread online isn't from Truth Social. The screenshot mentioning a weekly subscription price is not for Truth Social but for a mobile app known as 2nd1st.


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