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Here’s my key takeaway…..lots of Dems are switching to Republican.

That means that whoever runs has got to appeal to former Dems, as well as Trump supporters & Conservatives.
Otherwise, those converted Dems will go right back to their old Dem voting ways in November.

“Republicans are registering formerly Democratic voters at FOUR TIMES the rate that Democrats are…..”

Dr Oz looked at what the CCP was doing to literally imprison people in their own homes in Wuhan and said we need to ‘take their blueprint and repeat it’

Sorry but I don’t want this guy representing my family


“The more that a broken system tells you that you’re wrong, the more certain you should be that you must keep pushing ahead.

Because it’s the outsiders who changed the world and who make a real and lasting difference.

Nothing worth doing ever came easy. Treat the word impossible as nothing more than motivation.

The future belongs to the people who follow their heart no matter what the critics say…

Our best days are yet to come.”

- President Donald J. Trump
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Dr. Oz toch een goeie?

Die Dr Oz is wel een show-mannetje, ik ken hem uit de tijd dat ik nog wel eens tv keek (vroeguh). Hij is zo bekend geworden door optredens bij Oprah Winfrey dat ie in 2009 een eigen show kreeg, de Dr Oz Show. Er staan nog wel meer leuke feitjes in onderstaand opinie stuk


Is Dr. Oz een soort Lin Wood? Speelde hij al die tijd een rol? What makes a good movie? Good actors.

With the horrible Subway Shootings and Violent Crime in New York being at an all-time high, where people are afraid to walk the streets, the racist and highly partisan Attorney General of New York State, failed Gubernatorial candidate Letitia James, should focus her efforts on saving the State of New York and ending its reputation as a Crime Capital of the World, instead of spending millions of dollars and utilizing a large portion of her office in going after Donald J. Trump and the Trump Organization (for many years!), who have probably done more for New York than virtually any other person or group, including employing many wonderful people and paying millions and millions of dollars in taxes. This never-ending Witch Hunt must stop. We don’t need racist political hacks going after good, hardworking people for highly partisan political gain. The people of our Country see right through it all, and won’t take this Radical Left “sickness” anymore. Make New York Great Again!
A fren just called and is concerned because DJT endorsed JD Vance as Senator from Ohio. My fren is an awakened patriot and doesn’t trust Vance as far as he can throw him.

I said that just because Trump “endorses” someone, doesn’t mean anything more than Trump is telling us where to dig! We might strike oil or we might find poop at the bottom of the hole, but DIG!

DJT “endorsed” Dr. Oz, and we found pictures of him and Marina Abramovic within mere minutes.

Was Trump “endorsing” Fauci and Birx when he had them center stage doing their press releases? As I recall, he was glaring at them.


During his inaugural addres, President Trump said, “I’m going to shrink the Government, make it transparent, and put it back in the hands of you, the American people.”

That said, we need to be ready to handle the hot potato by DIGGING, VETTING and VOTING intelligently!

Trump isn’t a “savior”; he’s a damned fine laser pointer.


Hij is sinds 2017 commentator bij CNN.
Hij heeft een eigen venture capital bedrijf, mede gefinancierd door Peter Thiel en Erick Schmidt.
Ook draagt hij bij aan de ontwikkeling van de technologiesector buiten Silicon Valley en New York.

Zou Erick dan ook een white hat zijn?
Piers Morgan Exposes Himself as the Fake he is. He was down at Mar-A-Lago trying to use Trump like everyone else tries (they all love him when trying to get something from him) when Trump confronted him...
Its ok Donald, you have the Love of the American People and that is as True as it gets.

Donald Trump is a Real Guy. This is why he's sometimes blindsided by all the fakes in this world. But one things for sure. When he is stabbed in the back he never forgets. Bye bye Piers, you Loser.

Play the Trump card:


The elite found out about President Trump's plan to give free food, gas and support to his followers and they will block this product in the next 24 hours. This is your last chance to order the Trump Golden Card.

Check availability here: ⬇️


Ik ben extreem skeptusch. Meer hopium en meer financiele scams. Ben heel benieuwd naar wat Jordan Satber hier over weet te vertellen.

HOLY SHLIT. They edited that Trump interview to make it look like he stormed off - but Trump just released the real audio and it was actually a long, friendly interview


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