
I feel like this needs to be addressed often because a lot of people don't seem to understand it...Trump DID save millions of lives by forcing the pharmaceutical industry to push out their vaccines quicker than [they] planned so that there would be no economic collapse or Great Reset.
That's what they wanted..a complete society collapse which would have resulted in worldwide destruction.
Trump came in at the absolute red the precipice and pushed back against their 16 year plan to destroy Amercia and freedom worldwide.
Now the establishment is attempting to blame Trump in order to replace him with a rhino when he was the one who pushed the world away from catastrophe.
I refuse to accept their narrative.

I feel like this needs to be addressed often because a lot of people don't seem to understand it...Trump DID save millions of lives by forcing the pharmaceutical industry to push out their vaccines quicker than [they] planned so that there would be no economic collapse or Great Reset.
That's what they wanted..a complete society collapse which would have resulted in worldwide destruction.
Trump came in at the absolute red the precipice and pushed back against their 16 year plan to destroy Amercia and freedom worldwide.
Now the establishment is attempting to blame Trump in order to replace him with a rhino when he was the one who pushed the world away from catastrophe.
I refuse to accept their narrative.

Trump knows far more than any of us about [their] sinister plans for the world.
He knows that some worship Satan.
He knows the evil that we are up against. They tried to kill him many times to stop him.
Read the Q drops.
Anyone telling you that Trump doesn't understand what the globalists are doing is completely wrong.
Trump uses the Art of War to veil himself and he manipulates the media like no one ever has.
If you think he's some kind of moron who doesn't realize the vaccine is dangerous, then you've got another thing coming.
But I'll be damned if I don't defend his honor after all he's done to save the children and protect the world.

Operation Warpspeed isn’t what it seems like…

It’s quite complex.

When Trump says the vax saved “100s of millions of lives” he REALLY means is the ACT of introducing the vax BEFORE [they] took power actually saved those lives…It was SUPPOSED to be a FEDERALLY MANDATED jab.

By throwing a cog in the gears of [their] plans early on, Trump was effectively able to roll out the vax that PEOPLE WANTED & make sure it was NOT MANDATED.

The jab death toll would have been MUCH, MUCH HIGHER.

Think LOGICALLY about this for a second…

Trump can NOT just say “the vax is killing people at an alarming rate” when he has touted “Operation Warpspeed” as a major accomplishment for his administration.

That would not only confuse & really anger his base, but it would be a very WEAK move to make.

He KNOWS the vax is bad, but because it’s part of his legacy, he can’t go back on that…He literally HAS to go with it.

He’s stuck in between a rock & one of the HARDEST places in history.

Trump used project warpspeed to prevent the dark winter that would ultimately bring us into the great reset.
Quick vaccine = The Greater good

Georgia Guidestones show what would have happened if the Cabal was successful in the great reset. Lower the population to their desired goal, Trump prevented this from happening.

The big picture must be viewed in order to see these truths. When you see how large the Cabal was, and how they set a trap on Trump, there was only one way forward.
Trust Trump.

Mark my words…

There is going to be a MASSIVE push to BLAME Trump for the vax deaths before 2024.

This is an intentional, and FULLY coordinated move from the NWO Deep State playbook.

[They] will also use DeSantis, bought by globalist Ken Griffin, as a Trojan Horse. You can already see it now. He is being touted by the “Conservative” MSM as the GOP candidate for 2024 & praised for his leadership of Florida during COVID.



Op TG kun je hier stemmen, tot nu toe 74% voor de theorie dat Trump [HEN] voor was met de vaccins!

It doesn’t even matter IF Trump DID say something about disavowing the vax, that’s the TRUTH.

People are going to foolishly blame him NO MATTER WHAT despite the FACTS…Damned if he does, and damned if he doesn’t.

1. He NEVER mandated them federally, and told everyone to CHOOSE what is best for them.

2. He gave people OPTIONS, and even outwardly encouraged people to take different therapeutics like HCQ, Ivermectin & Regeneron.

3. He delivered what the PEOPLE WANTED & ASKED FOR.

All of this is just another REASON to go after him & keep him from retaking the White House again.

Thoughts on Trump’s vaccine promotion:

What would happen if Trump came out against vaccines?

The mainstream media would light him up.
Millions of liberals would despise him and use that to attack.
Millions of moderate conservatives would turn on him for thinking he made a massive mistake, or lied to them, and they wouldn’t vote for him.

He’s doing pretty much the only thing he can given the situation.

Thought experiment, what would have happened if Trump didn’t do Warp Speed? Or if we had someone else in charge, like Hillary? They would have slow rolled the vaccine release to take years, meaning YEARS of lockdowns and far worse pandemic fall out.

“Warp Speed saved millions of lives”, Trump said. We know he talks in double speak. Maybe he doesn’t mean vaccines directly saved lives, but indirectly by allowing the Trump Admin and his Warp Speed to combat the Cabal’s original COVID Plan of endless lockdowns, mandates, and digital health passes, which would have resulted in far more death, suicide, and economic destruction.

The most important thing was that Trump was AGAINST MANDATES, and has been all along. He always left it up to people’s choice, as it should be.

Combat tactics, Mr. Ryan.

People often forget that Trump himself was biding his time for decades, constantly making remarks against the globalists, infiltrating and befriending those who had similar goals.
The battle between white hats and globalists has been raging for ages.
The Kennedy family speaks volumes in this regard.
Trump came into power not after one "fluke" election, but after years of planning and preparation.
This man was practically built to take on the cabal and that's why he poses such a threat to them.
When do you think "the plan" started?

Imagine thinking you know better than Trump about how to implement the Art of War in the battle against the media, the globalists, and the Satanists when he's been doing this for decades and he's received more attacks by the media than any person in modern history.
Trump isn't perfect but he's a battle-hardened warrior and he damn sure knows more about this war than any one of us.
I'll always defend his honor because of the sacrifices he's already made for We the People.

In my mind, Trump's Apprentice show was almost a way for him to ingratiate himself to the masses as a strong figure capable of running the country. You've got to wonder if Trump saw the Apprentice as merely a means to an end.
Become a pop culture icon, levy that power to give yourself a chance to take down the globalists.
But what do you think?

Imagine believing that everything Trump says to the masses is exactly what he actually thinks in private after watching for years as Trump fought a clandestine narrative war for the normies and put his literal life on the line and received thousands of media lashings in an attempt to save America from complete destruction.
He simply cannot say everything that you want him to say when he's currently engaged in a war and to not understand that is to think like a sheep.
Pure and simple.
I'm shocked that people want to throw Trump under the bus after all he's done.
It enrages me.
And I will not stay silent about it.


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