
Donald Trump is declaring war on the woke agenda and their attacks on our children.
He will pass a law that will ban any sexual mutilation of children, pass a bill declaring there's only two genders, launch investigations into big pharma for illegally marketing/promoting the mutilation of children, stop men from competing in women's sports for good, and stop teachers from teaching children Transgender ideology.
Now this is what we like to hear.
Save the children!

By President Trump releasing the vax quickly it ended tyrannical Governors’ excuse for lockdowns and removed their cover for the great reset with a destroyed economy. (As we know he already ended their wars and removed the camouflage that would have given them) It also forced them to release a vax under EUA that CANNOT be forcibly mandated, try as they might. It forced them to rush their agenda, which makes it way more visible than their usual slow incremental boiling water tactics, making so many mistakes and exposing themselves in the process. We all know every single time the vax is mentioned, President Trump emphasizes freedom of choice- he’s said no one should be forced and we have our freedoms three times at his last rally- now he’s saying no mandates. He’s already said no kids should take it. We all know that all the face diaper parents would have injected their kids with rNA GMOs no matter what Trump said.

If President Trump were to speak up about the injuries- they could seize on that opportunity with the countermove of locking us down again and blaming the injuries on Trump rushing the vax. Just look what they did when he mentioned HCQ- We’d hear an all out media tirade about how the injuries are Trump’s fault because he rushed it and if it wasn’t for him they’d be safe and effective. Not to mention, they’d leverage the Trump derangement syndrome they’ve created and associate ANY criticism of the injection agenda as “just a Trump supporter thing.” By removing himself from the equation, they don’t have that card to play, even though they still try, it’s uniting people across the spectrum. By not saying anything, he’s forcing them into showing their hand to the entire world while it wakes up average everyday people everywhere. I’ve wrestled with this all year and to me it seems that as tragic as this is, it’s the best possible timeline and way better than it would have been. The way that I and many folks were expecting this to happen 10+ years ago was them going door to door to force this thing into people and that’s just not happening and there’s no way it can at this point- way too many people are awake worldwide. If it weren’t for Trump, we’d already be in the camps by now.

If Trump is one of [them] as faculties in this movement are now crying because of the vaccine.

Why not just let Hillary win?

Why wake up Billions of people when you're on the brink of a New World Order?

Why make it hard on yourself when the vast majority were fast asleep?

It doesn't make any sense.

Aka .... Nonsense

This is probably the closest you’ll get to DJT speaking out publicly against the vaccines. He’s mid-attack on DeSantis and drops “loved the vaccines” as part of his anti-Ron barrage 🧐

Trump obviously knows the vaccines are bad. I take this as him showing his hand just a little bit…


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