
When I was a normie, I earnestly believed that Mit Romney was a good guy and that he must defeat Hussein in that year's presidential election.
How ignorant I was to the fact that they were merely two sides of the deep state coin.
Bush, McCain, Romney, Obama, Clinton.
All deep state. All corrupt and evil as hell.
This is the power of being awake and the truth about what Trump and his team have done:
They've awakened us all to the rulers behind mystery Babylon.
Evil's minions are no longer some phantom that we cannot understand. Trump gave them nicknames and mocked them openly in the public square.
He goaded them into revealing themselves and now it has become so obvious that we laugh at how naive we really were.
This is proof that Trump's arrival onto the scene changed absolutely everything.
They are no longer hidden in the dark and you are awake.
And there is no going back.

Andrew Jackson and Donald Trump:
War Against the Elite

It's important to look closely at Andrew Jackson's war against the banking cartel. He was the only President to bring the National Debt to zero and when asked what his greatest accomplishment was:
He proclaimed that he killed the bank.

Look at what Trump has said about him and think about the banking system as it stands today.
It's all connected!

Check out my dig:


Ook YouTube heft blokkade oud-president Trump op​

De Amerikaanse oud-president Donald Trump wordt niet langer geblokkeerd op YouTube. Daarmee kan Trump weer op alle grote sociale mediakanalen berichten en video's plaatsen. Eerder werd ook zijn blokkade op platforms als Facebook, Instagram, Twitter en Snapchat opgeheven.

Fox News is reporting that Trump will be arrested next week and “fingerprinted and processed” like anyone else. I’ll believe it when I see it. What are the chances this even happens? I wouldn’t bet on it.
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President Trump says it’s been leaked that they are planning to arrest him on Tuesday of next week and calls for protests 👀

Let’s see what happens.
is dit een andere uitleg van qpost 3717?

Dec 17, 2019 5:03:45 PM EST

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 4e4d4a No. 7538263

First indictment [unseal] will trigger mass pop awakening. FIRST ARREST will verify action and confirm future direction. They will fight but you are ready. Marker [9]. Q

3y, 3m, 16h, 23m ago

8kun qresearch

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