
No matter what happens in the coming days and weeks there is an absolute fact at hand:

Trump's optics are spectacular.

There is no obvious downside.
-Setting precedents for future indictments/arrests of former presidents
-Causing a false sense of victory for the deep state
-Boosting Trump's popularity by a large amount

There would however be a downside if this indictment wasn't centered around something completely ridiculous. They couldn't get Trump on anything tangible. Desperation.

Let me explain something that gets lost in all the noise and then I'm gonna go get some lunch.

A grand jury proceeding is VERY DIFFERENT from a criminal trial.

1. Grand jury hears ONLY from the prosecutor. Defendant & legal counsel are not even required to be present, much less present any defense.

2. Prosecutor is NOT required to show the grand jury any exculpatory evidence he is aware of.

During a trial however, the prosecutor MUST hand over all exculpatory evidence to the defense.

According to legal experts and the U.S. Constitution, criminal charges would not prevent Donald Trump from running for president. “There is no bar to running for president while under indictment and nothing that would prevent him serving as president” said experts.
Also, the U.S. constitution’s qualifications are limited to natural-born citizenship, age (35 by Inauguration Day), and residency in the U.S. of at least 14 years.
Even if the former president is indicted, he is not likely to be arrested by law enforcement.
“‘Arrest’ is still legally the proper term since he will technically be ‘seized’ by the state, but it is not what most people think of as an ‘arrest,’ since he is not likely to be captured by law enforcement.” Experts said.

Happy Friday Patriots 🇺🇸

The entire world is watching the Democrat party stand behind indicting the leader of the opposition party.

The most popular POTUS in modern history.
The man who received the most votes ever.

No more options.

They want you to be scared, but they are afraid.

Desperate people do stupid things.
Stupid people do desperate things.

This won’t end well for them.
Nothing can stop what is coming.

‘"I think there's a good chance you'll see motions, or at least one motion, to dismiss, and it's the type of thing that could knock this case out before any jury ever hears an opening statement," Trusty said.

Trusty said any motions the Trump team files will be "well-founded," and predicted that "even legal scholars on the other side of the political aisle are going to recognize that it's a powerful motion." Further, Trusty said he thinks any charges involving an intent to defraud will be difficult to prove under New York law, and claimed there will be weaknesses in the case…

Joe diGenova, an attorney who has represented Trump in the past, also told CBS News on Thursday night he expects the Trump legal team to file at least one of three motions: to dismiss the case because of the relevant statutes of limitations, to move the case out of Manhattan and to dismiss the case for prosecutorial misconduct.’


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