
The Don just dropped a new album
"Deep State In Deep Shit"

With classics such as:
1. Make America Gangster Again
2. Indict my poll numbers
3. "They" just made a yuge mistake
4. Winning Bigly
5. Street Cred

Historic day.

I highly doubt a picture will ever top Trump's mugshot.

It is basically the Mona Lisa of our age.

I am convinced that this phase of the plan is about morphing Donald Trump into a symbol.

For all these years we knew what he represented, but now the rest of the people are getting clarity.

In order to show the people the truth, the truth had to be more than political. Most people don't care about politics.

When a former president gets indicted repeatedly for doing Nothing... people respect that man for being held down by the system. It resonates to them. It makes Trump relatable and "cool."

None of this had to happen.

Trump is a billionaire. He could have ridden off into the sunset, turning to genuflect at the puppet masters, and lived a life most of us will only ever dream of.

He didn’t have to run for reelection. He didn’t have to spend countless hours and many sleepless nights planning. He didn’t have to take the slings and arrows.

All of it could have been avoided.

But the man is made of stronger stuff. He is willing to take the fight to these turd humpers daily on our behalf. He knows how this ends, but he also knows that he will have to walk through fire to get us there.

Donald J. Trump is not a hero because he fights. He is a hero because he fights when he doesn’t have to.

Everything that is happening to Trump has to do with his challenge of a rigged election.
What if it comes out conclusively that his claims are irrefutably true after they tried to jail him for saying the truth?
What kind of optics does that provide to the public?
The sheep start to put two and two together. They almost have to make it so obvious that a child could understand it. That's how asleep these people are.
The megaphone has been turned up so loud that to ignore it would be lunacy.

The Atlantic:

Donald Trump's booking photo was supposed to be an exercise in humility. He turned it into a threat.

The article goes on...

"Donald Trump’s head may be covered in spray rather than snakes, but he is a Medusa all the same, reconfigured for the age of mass media: Once you look at him, your fate is already sealed."

The mainstream media is incessant hatred of Trump only fuels his popularity. The meltdowns will be glorious.


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