
Trump does not *really* support the government of Israel and they KNOW IT.

That's why they're doing everything they can do to stop him.

Nothing is what it appears.

It's a sting operation; you have to move strategically

Which administration finally took down Epstein?

Trump is the poison pill for the Z0G but cloaks it in Z!0nism so they can't say anything — but they know.

He is using their own strategy against them. Just as they cry out in pain as they strike you, he takes on the most ultra ZiO appearance as he enacts the plan for their downfall.

Yes he had to make some concessions, like the Golan Heights and the oppressive Abraham Accords but that's only to gain the support of the Israeli people — he's playing the long game.

He appears as the MOST Zi0nist President ever, so the PEOPLE of Israel support him, but the gov doesn’t really because they KNOW. That’s why Netanyahu was the first to congratulate Biden for stealing the election. Trump ROASTS Netanyahu every chance he gets.

He’s surrounded by Z!0nists, think confidential informants.

He appointed Acosta and shortly after took down Epstein and Acosta resigns.
Major blow to M0S.

Now, the Rothschild (founders of modern Israel) controlled “Crown” of the UK is loosing key players one by one.

“Prince” Phillip dies, 17 months later—> “Queen” dies, 17 months later —>
Jacob Rothschild dies ++

What’s the 17th letter of the alphabet?

Did you know it was exactly 1776 days from the first Q post until the “Queen” of England died?

But “nothing’s happening.”

They’re saving Israel for last because it is the head of the snake

The final boss.

And they know it.

Trump knows:

In a Trump ad with the famous Trump speech narration:

“global power structure” that has “robbed our working class” and “stripped our country of its wealth.”

Who are these folks 👀👇🏼

in the ad are Hillary Clinton, George Soros, Janet Yellen (Fed Res), and Lloyd Blankfein (Goldman Sachs CEO).

The Trump narration immediately preceding Soros and Yellin proceeds as follows: “The establishment has trillions of dollars at stake in this election. For those who control the levers of power in Washington [start Soros] and for the global [start Yellen] special interests [stop Yellen]. They partner with these people [start Clinton] who don’t have your good in mind.”
For Blankfein: “It’s a global power structure that is responsible for the economic decisions that have robbed our working class, stripped our country of its wealth and put that money into the [start Blankfein] pockets of a handful of large corporations [stop Blankfein] and political entities.”

Trump knows …


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