
Denmark says no! (Nej!) Ze laten hun landgenoten niet in de steek, noch zullen ze hen verraden. Never forget the fa(c)t they refused to sign the Not-a-Jude form during the idiocy of World-war two.
People just now finding out about the NWO North American Union don’t realize it was supposed to include Mexico too in order to usher in the AMERO

This is clearly not that

Unlike Mexico, most patriotic Canadians prefer a Consitutional Republic over their tyrannical form of gov (living under the rule of RothschiId controlled pedo “king” of England)

You realize that would give Canadians their 2A and remove the current bans on certain rifles, right?

It’s still satire now, but if this happens, that is not what the NWO wants, to have their firearm bans rolled back.

⚡🇺🇸🇮🇱JUST IN:

US President Donald Trump retweeted a video that says “Netanyahu is still trying to get us to fight Iran to this day. He is a deep dark son of a bitch because he's gotten us into endless wars”

Explaining that the wars in Iraq and Syria were manufactured by Netanyahu.

Canada had an open invitation to join the the United States when the Articles of Confederation were written, before the Constitution even existed.

Article XI of the Articles of Confederation:
“Canada acceding to this confederation, and adjoining in the measures of the United States, shall be admitted into, and entitled to all the advantages of this Union; but no other colony shall be admitted into the same, unless such admission be agreed to by nine States”

That provision allowed residents of Canada to petition the United States for inclusion in the Union, if the Canadians ended their relationship with the crown.

This invitation essentially ended with the writing of the Constitution.

People panicking about Trump jokingly floating Canada’s addition to the Union are falsely attributing this to the Club of Rome, or the NWO North American Union, to usher in the AMERO, (which was supposed to included Mexico), don’t realize the open invitation of Canada to the United States predates even the Constitution itself.


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