Tucker Carlson

rt.com 21 Apr, 2024 19:35
HomeWorld News

US lawmakers scared of being framed for ‘kiddie porn’ – Tucker Carlson​

Intelligence agencies have creative ways of forcing politicians to do their bidding, the conservative journalist claimed
US lawmakers scared of being framed for ‘kiddie porn’ – Tucker Carlson

Tucker Carlson takes part in the National Review Institute's Ideas Summit in Washington DC, March 29, 2019 © AFP / Chip Somodevilla

Members of Congress consistently vote in favor of mass surveillance programs because they’re “terrified” that intelligence agencies will plant “kiddie porn” on their computers if they speak up, American journalist Tucker Carlson has claimed.

Carlson appeared on Joe Rogan’s podcast on Friday, hours before the US Senate voted to renew Section 702 of the 1978 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA).

Ostensibly created to allow intelligence agencies such as the FBI and CIA to surveil the communications of foreigners, Section 702 allows these agencies to access data ‘indirectly’ collected from millions of American citizens without a warrant.
According to Carlson, a number of lawmakers actually opposed this renewal, but did not admit this publicly.

“People don’t say that because they’re worried about being punished,” Carlson told Rogan.

“They’re worried about someone putting kiddie porn on their computer. Members of Congress are terrified of the intel agencies. I’m not guessing at that. They’ve told me that, including people on the [intelligence] committee, including people who run the intel committee.”

“They’re afraid of the agencies,”
he stated, adding: “That’s not compatible with democracy.”

“It’s playing out in front of everyone, and no one cares and no one does anything about it,”
Carlson continued. “I think the reason is because they’re threatened. And if you look at the committee chairmen who allowed this s**t to happen year after year… I know them. And they have all the things to hide. I know that for a fact.”

Apart from the supposed threat of surreptitiously-planted child pornography, Carlson claimed that it’s “very common”for lawmakers to have “a drinking problem or a weird sex life,” which agencies could easily expose if these politicians refuse to do their bidding.

Carlson is not the first influential conservative to claim that elected representatives are being blackmailed. Back in December, Tennessee Representative Tim Burchett, a Republican, suggested that his colleagues opposed a motion to release the names of notorious pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s clients because they would have been implicated in sex crimes.
Tucker derangement syndrome is real.

“It always appeared to us that, atomic bomb or no atomic bomb, the Japanese were already on the verge of collapse." -General Henry H. Arnold Commanding General of the U.S. Army
Air Forces Under President Truman

"Japan was at the moment seeking some way to surrender with minimum loss of 'face'. It wasn't necessary to hit them with that awful thing."
- General Dwight D. Eisenhower

Needless to say every American has a right to evaluate whether the drastic measure of dropping a nuke on a non-military target in a country that had been on the defense for two years (plus negotiating their surrender) was necessary.

You may ultimately conclude it was or wasn’t not— but your right to think critically and express your views is about as American as it gets.

The recent conversation between Joe Rogan and Tucker Carlson was profoundly important, especially for the times we are living in today.

So many important issues were discussed, and many critical points were made.

The biggest take away for me, was that evil occupies weak people, and uses them as a vessel.

This is why our society is so screwed up right now.

American culture has glorified weakness, and it’s promoted everywhere you look.

There’s a reason the powers that be want you uninformed and unhealthy.

Strong people are difficult for evil to control.

The stronger and more informed you become, the less susceptible to evil you will be.

You cannot be strong without choosing to do difficult things.

Exercise your mind and body daily.

Do difficult things, and say no to evil.

Everyone should listen to this episode.

The recent conversation between Joe Rogan and Tucker Carlson was profoundly important, especially for the times we are living in today.

So many important issues were discussed, and many critical points were made.

The biggest take away for me, was that evil occupies weak people, and uses them as a vessel.

This is why our society is so screwed up right now.

American culture has glorified weakness, and it’s promoted everywhere you look.

There’s a reason the powers that be want you uninformed and unhealthy.

Strong people are difficult for evil to control.

The stronger and more informed you become, the less susceptible to evil you will be.

You cannot be strong without choosing to do difficult things.

Exercise your mind and body daily.

Do difficult things, and say no to evil.

Everyone should listen to this episode.


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