
Dodental ligt gewoon boven de 30.000 echt vreselijk wat die devils kunnen veroorzaken. Vraag me af zat daar iets in dat specifieke gebied 🤔
Is er bewijs voor een andere oorzaak dan een natuurlijk fenomeen?
Ik heb vrienden uit Hatay en die hebben me jaren geleden al verteld dat ze werkelijk honderden (kleinere en relatief grote) aardbevingen meegemaakt hebben daar. Hatay is een zeer seismisch actief gebied. Lijkt me sterk dat dat allemaal HAARP is.


Turkije wordt sowieso al sinds mensenheugenis geteisterd door aardbevingen.

The 526 Antioch earthquake struck Syria and, in particular, the city of Antioch in the Byzantine Empire. It occurred some time in late May 526, probably between 20 and 29 May, during mid-morning, killing approximately 250,000 people.

The Cilicia earthquake occurred northeast of the city of Adana in 1268. Over 60,000 people died in the Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia in southern Asia Minor.

En deze verwoestende aardbeving is verwacht voor Istanboel. Waarschijnlijk zal die nog verwoestender zijn dan de huidige aardbeving in het Zuid Oosten van Turkije.
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Na de aardbevingen van twee weken geleden volgden zesduizend naschokken
Naschokken vinden bijna elke vier minuten plaats. Er waren 1.628 naschokken met magnitudes van 3 tot 4. 436 met magnitudes van 4 tot 5 en veertig met magnitudes van 5 tot 6. Er vond één naschok plaats met een magnitude van 6.6.

Social mediagebruikers hebben foto’s en video’s geplaatst van een blauwe flits die maandagavond in de lucht zou zijn verschenen voorafgaand aan de aardbeving bij de Turks-Syrische grens.
Er is een verklaring. Kortsluiting in stroomkabels. Daarom valt de stroom ook vaak uit tijdens aardbevingen.
Dit zie je in zoveel andere beveiligingscamera beelden van tijdens de (eerste) aardbeving.

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Erdogan legt campagne presidentsverkiezingen stil vanwege gezondheid​

De Turkse president Recep Tayyip Erdogan heeft zijn campagne voor de presidentsverkiezingen stilgelegd. Om gezondheidsredenen heeft hij zijn campagneoptredens van donderdag en vrijdag geannuleerd, dat meldt zijn AK-partij.
De 69-jarige Erdogan werd dinsdagavond onwel tijdens een interview op televisie. De uitzending werd daarop onderbroken. De huidige president voelde zich misselijk. Het zou om een buikgriep gaan. "Vandaag zal ik op advies van mijn artsen thuis rusten", twitterde Erdogan woensdag.
rt.com 19 May, 2023 16:18
HomeWorld News

Erdogan hails ‘special relationship’ with Putin​

The Turkish leader stressed the importance of a balanced approach in working with Russia
Erdogan hails ‘special relationship’ with Putin

Vladimir Putin (R) and Recep Tayyip Erdogan shake hands during a meeting in Astana, Kazakhstan, October 13, 2022 © AP / Vyacheslav Prokofyev

The extension of the Black Sea grain deal would have been impossible without Türkiye’s “special relationship” with Russian leader Vladimir Putin, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan claimed in an interview with CNN on Friday.

Brokered with UN and Turkish mediation last July, the initiative allows Ukraine to export its grain and fertilizer to markets around the world despite the ongoing military conflict with Russia. The deal was set to expire on May 18, but Russia signed off on a 60-day extension on Wednesday. It did so even though the EU has failed to lift its restrictions on Russian grain and fertilizer exports as agreed.

“This was possible because of our special relationship with President Putin,”Erdogan told the American broadcaster. “You need a balanced approach towards a country such as Russia, which would have been a much more fortunate approach.”
The EU hopes Türkiye emerges from the presidential election as a subservient ditz
The EU hopes Türkiye emerges from the presidential election as a subservient ditz
The extension of the deal was a political win for Erdogan, who has positioned himself as a middleman and potential peacemaker between Moscow and Kiev. Erdogan has spoken regularly with Putin since Russia’s military operation in Ukraine began, and Türkiye is the sole member of NATO that has not imposed economic sanctions on Moscow.

“We are not at a point where we would impose sanctions on Russia like the West have done. We are not bound by the West’s sanctions,” Erdogan told CNN. “We are a strong state and we have a positive relationship with Russia.”

Seeking a third consecutive term as president, Erdogan won the largest share of the vote in last week’s election in Türkiye, beating rival Kemal Kilicdaroglu by almost five points but failing to break the 50% threshold necessary to earn victory outright. With third-place contender Sinan Ogan eliminated, Erdogan and Kilicdaroglu will face off in a second round of voting on May 28.

In the runup to the crucial vote, Erdogan accused Kilicdaroglu of trying to “detach”Türkiye from Russia. While Kilicdaroglu has not threatened to sever relations with Moscow, he recently accused Russia of meddling in the election, a claim that earned him a rebuke from the Kremlin.

READ MORE: Erdogan’s rival pledges to expel ‘all refugees’ from Türkiye

Kilicdaroglu has also vowed to mend Ankara’s ties with its NATO allies – including by lifting Erdogan’s veto on Sweden’s accession to the US-led bloc – and to immediately restart membership talks with the EU.

Türkiye’s pursuit of an independent foreign policy depends on its strong ties to Moscow, Erdogan argued. “Russia and Türkiye need each other in every field possible,” he stated, explaining that his recent moves toward dialogue with Syrian President Bashar Assad – whose opposition he backed in the Syrian Civil War – would not have been possible without Russian mediation.

“[Through] my friendship with President Putin, we thought we could open a door, specifically in our fight against terrorism in the northern part of Syria,” he said. “If we can do that, I said I see no obstacle that would remain in the way of our reconciliation.”
WATCH 🚨 Massive number of supporters gather outside Presidential complex to celebrate Erdogan's victory in presidential elections of Turkey


Geen verzoenende woorden van Erdogan in aanloop naar nieuwe regeerperiode​

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan mag van de Turkse kiezer nog vijf jaar door als president. Vrijdag zal hij de eed afleggen en wordt hij ingehuldigd. Erdogan en zijn nieuwe regering moeten snel aan de slag om Turkije in rustiger economisch vaarwater te krijgen.


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