
JUST IN: Turkey’s President Erdogan:
“My dear Syrian brothers and sisters,
Turkey, as a nation and as a people, stands by your side today and will continue to do so in the future, just as we have in the past.
Despite the complete lack of resources in all forms, you have written an epic story with your blood, your souls, your teeth, and your nails.
You did not bow to oppression or the oppressor, and despair never entered your hearts, even in the darkest of times.
From the very first day, you chanted “Allahu Akbar” and said, “He is the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate” and “He is the Lord of the Worlds.” You placed your trust solely in Allah and sought help from Him alone.
Though you fell to the ground, you rose again, stronger than before.
By doing so, you created a magnificent story of heroism that will be passed down through generations with pride and honor.
My brothers, do not forget…
Patience brings victory.
You are the owners of this glorious triumph, “which blossomed after defeats.”
On behalf of my country and my people, I salute you with utmost respect.
I pray that your victory is a blessed and honorable one.
As we did not abandon you in your struggle for freedom and justice, by Allah’s will, we will support you with all our resources in your struggle for development.
We will stand united and overcome all challenges and obstacles together.
I want you to know that we are ready to do everything possible to establish lasting peace, stability, and security in Syria.
Today, once again, I remember with mercy all the martyrs who sacrificed their lives for Syria’s freedom since the Hama massacre.
I also salute all my brothers who shed tears of joy, prayed to Allah, and prostrated in gratitude after years of hardship, as they celebrated their return to their homes, embracing their families and loved ones in the various Syrian cities liberated from captivity.”
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