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Gregg Phillips explains yesterday to inthematrixxx and shadygrooove that pulling the ripcord at “the pit” will give Anons access to the document stores, video, make available expensive tools, get them trained up & bundle their findings to hand to Sheriffs 💥 they will have former special forces...
Gregg Phillips explains yesterday to inthematrixxx and shadygrooove that pulling the ripcord at “the pit” will give Anons access to the document stores, video, make available expensive tools, get them trained up & bundle their findings to hand to Sheriffs they will have former special forces people advising them on the strategic and tactical side to then turn over the data & tools for analysis to thousands of Anons
Gregg Phillips werd ook geïnterviewd door Dave enige tijd geleden;
Election investigator Matt Vanbibber also shared his discoveries from the Maricopa County Elections Department’s public footage. He finally revealed the identities of individuals who illegally deleted elections files from the Elections Management Server in April 2021.
This data was deleted before the voting machines were delivered to Senate auditors in compliance with a subpoena.
We The People AZ Alliance hosted an election security forum in Maricopa County on Saturday, featuring testimony from expert witnesses and state legislators. This informational hearing, moderated by investigative journalist Lara Logan, presented evidence of fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election...
RSBN verzorgt een exclusieve live-uitzending van True the Vote’s ‘THE PIT’, welke ‘vernietigende’ informatie zal onthullen over 2020
Verkiezingsintegriteitorganisatie True the Vote zal een informatieve strategiesessie verzorgen om informatie en technologie te onthullen die als wapen tegen het Amerikaanse volk wordt gebruikt.
Deze manifestatie genaamd ‘The Pit’ zal plaatsvinden op zaterdag 13 augustus om 12:00 ET (dat is 19:00 NL tijd.
The Pit werd eerder al aangekondigd door Gregg Phillips, een verkiezingsinlichtingen specialist die nauw betrokken was bij het onthullen van True the Vote’s bewijs van stembiljethandel en fraude bij de 2020 presidentiële verkiezing. Phillips werkte samen met True the Vote’s oprichtster Catherine Engelbrecht.
In juli verklaarde Phillips dat de informatie die zal worden gepresenteerd gedurende The Pit ‘vernietigend’ zal zijn. Hij voegde daaraan toe dat de informatie die niet wordt getoond in hun hitfilm met Dinesh D’Souza: ‘2000 Mules’, ter sprake zal worden gebracht tijdens hun strategiesessie.
“Het deel dat we uit de film hebben gehouden, hebben we nu beschikbaar,” zei Phillips tijdens een interview met GraceTime TV. Hij zei tevens dat de media vrezen voor deze manifestatie omdat “Zij geen idee hebben hoe vernietigend sommige van deze verhalen werkelijk zijn.”
Opmerking Paul: Volgens Phillips zijn er andere landen betrokken geweest bij de stemfraude in 2020 in de VS, dat is niet zomaar iets, dat kan het schandaal van de eeuw worden als dat werkelijk bewezen kan worden. Nu weten wij al bijna 2 jaar dat voornamelijk China daarbij betrokken was en dat de militaire inlichtingen ook over deze informatie beschikken omdat zij op de verkiezingsdag live alle Internetverkeer volgden en dus precies konden zien hoeveel stemmen er in de stemcomputers werden verwisseld van Trump naar Biden en vanuit welke landen dat werd gedaan. De kans is groot dat uiteindelijk de militairen ook hun informatie met de wereld zullen delen. Devolutie, ingesteld door Trump in zijn laatste weken als president, is absoluut een feit.
Informatie over het tijdverschil tussen NL en de VS (ET tijd)
De Moment of Truth Summit van Mike Lindell, uitgezonden op, is voor ons niet zichtbaar. Hetzelfde als met Truth Social: je kunt een VPN gebruiken, maar je moet een geldig Anerikaans telefoonnummer opgeven om toegang te krijgen. Gelukkig zien we via het TG-kanaal The Vigilant Fox wel wat fragmenten:
'A Statistical Impossibility': There's No Way Biden Should Have Received Half of Those Mesa County Votes Jeff O' Donnell: "Because of the law of large numbers, we should see the results of those almost 20,000 ballots, and then the result of the over 50,000 ballots actually be within only a few...
We Pay for Our Elections: 'How Dare They' Say We Can't Challenge the Outcome Marjorie Taylor Greene: "You pay the people that get paid to run the elections. So how dare they tell you that you can't care about election integrity? How dare they tell you that you cannot have an audit? How dare...
'Enemy Inside the Wire': Retired Col. Shawn Smith "Anyone telling you these systems are secure either has no idea what they're saying, or they're lying." "The so-called election experts don't know a damn thing about cyber." Watch the Trial of the Machines live at Follow...
Get Rid of Them: "Your Home PCs Are More Secure Than Any One of These Voting Systems" Cybersecurity Expert Clay Parikh: "And I've testified in federal court already, and I'll be testifying again. And I'm just stating that as a person who's seen the inside, who's scanned them, who's tested them...
All Networks and Components Are Vulnerable — Except Election Machines? Col. Ret. John Mills "We have a situation here where everything else is getting broken into, except for election machines. And we don't know how because we're not allowed to look at the software. We're not allowed to look at...
Can't Do Paper Ballots? "All of Europe Does It In a Single Day" Dr. Douglas G. Frank: "They have a single day; they make it a national holiday. They have paper poll books. They have paper ballots, hand counting, and they report the results that night. So yes, of course, we can! There's no...
'That's Obviously Not Real': Why Would Conservative Counties Shrink in Population All of a Sudden? Dr. Douglas G. Frank: "You mean to tell me that your population's changed by 25% in those towns?" Watch the Trial of the Machines live at Follow @VigilantFox 🦊 Rumble | Substack...
Ballot Stuffing Is Just a Symptom of What's the Real Fraud: Dr. Douglas G. Frank "The real criminals are the ones who set up the software that allows you to print the ballots for the people that didn't vote. And then you fill them out, and then you give them to those NGOs to distribute to the...
"It's Illegal for Us to Have Machines Connected to the Internet" - So Why Don't You Let Us Check? Dr. Douglas G. Frank: "I've got this little sensor. 'Let's just have you turn on your machine, and I'll stand right here and tell you whether it's online or not.' Not a single clerk in the country...
'The Truth Is Annoying': Be That Annoying Person Who Helps Make a Change Dr. Douglas G. Frank: "You have to be that annoying person — you have to be the one who constantly FOIAs your county election systems. You have to be that annoying person that brings it up at dinner time ... [Change is]...
'No Image, No Vote': Why Do Thousands of Certified Fulton County Votes Have No Ballot Image? There has to be a ballot image in order to create a cast vote record and to tabulate. Fulton County, Georgia certified 17,724 votes with no image, of which 13,303 went to Biden and 4,279 went to Trump...
Clint Curtis: There Is Nothing You Can Do to Protect the Machines; You Have to Get Rid of the Them The Netherlands turned to computer programmer Clint Curtis for advice, and they successfully switched from machine voting to paper ballots in six months. "I am a Democrat, but I also would like...
'Everything on That Computer I Own': Logs Don't Write Themselves; Programmers Write Logs Clint Curtis: "I can change the screen. I can change the totals. I can change the logs. I can do everything. I can even make this program eat another program, so you can't find the switch." Watch the...
The Last Hacker Wins: "The Problem When You Start Off With a Weapon, You Don't Get To Keep That Weapon" Clint Curtis: "If you use machines, they are so hackable, it's almost 'The last guy in wins' ... So other than the fact that it's a bad idea to cheat democracy, it's also not really secure...
Flipping Votes: Our Elections 'Went Haywire' After 2004 Clint Curtis: "I said, 'Here you go, and here's a list of what you have to do to make sure you don't get taken advantage of by machines.' and the owner of the company said, 'This isn't really for stopping voter fraud; this is for flipping...
Dan Bongino destroys the Fake News for their hypocrisy on cellular location data. When 2000 Mules was released, the fact-checkers reported that cellular location data was unreliable, but now CNN is reporting that wireless carriers are able to track women at abortion clinics. So which is it...
Dan Bongino destroys the Fake News for their hypocrisy on cellular location data. When 2000 Mules was released, the fact-checkers reported that cellular location data was unreliable, but now CNN is reporting that wireless carriers are able to track women at abortion clinics. So which is it?
"They realize they've got a problem - that these are very serious credible allegations of massive ballot fraud in swing states. They realize they could've swung the election.”
Bongino has a HUGE audience of normies. We’re talking in the millions, so segments like this can go a long way.
[Doorgestuurd van CannCon (CannCon)]
[ Foto ]
BREAKING Konnech CEO, the company at the tip of the spear in TrueTheVotes PIT last August, is ARRESTED in Los Angeles for Theft of Personal Data!
Catherine and Gregg were right. WELL DONE!!! And a HUGE Shoutout to for his incredibly deep research on this!!
NY Times literally JUST wrote an article about this company and called us all conspiracy theorists. Like, TODAY.
BREAKING Konnech CEO, the company at the tip of the spear in TrueTheVotes PIT last August, is ARRESTED in Los Angeles for Theft of Personal Data! Catherine and Gregg were right. WELL DONE!!! And a HUGE Shoutout to for his incredibly deep research on this!! NY Times literally JUST...
Konnech CEO Eugene Yu was arrested today in Los Angeles County in connection with “theft of personal data.” The alleged stolen data belonged to poll workers and was the subject of TrueTheVote’s “PIT” in Arizona last August, where Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips singled out the company.
These articles were published a day apart, about the same company, written by the same journalist. The New York Times may just be the biggest laughingstock in all of Fake News.
Afgelopen 17 augustus schreef ik op basis van wat in de presentatie ‘The Pit’ bekend werd gemaakt, onder andere het volgende over de directeur en oprichter van het verkiezingssoftware bedrijf Konnech, mr. Eugene Yu:
‘Konnech PollChief Software en verkiezingsfraude
We weten al een tijd dat China zich bemoeide en mengde in de Amerikaanse verkiezingen. Informatie gevonden door Gregg en Catherine en besproken in ‘The Pit’, omvat ook een verkiezingssoftwareprogramma gemaakt door het in 2002 opgerichte Amerikaanse bedrijf Konnech, waarvan, hoe toevallig, de directeur en oprichter blijkbaar, gezien zijn naam (Eugene Yu, zie helemaal onderaan de website van Konnech) en zijn foto, een Chinees is.’
Natuurlijk werden Catherine Engelbrecht en Gregg Phillips (ook bekend van 2000 Mules en True The Vote) na hun bekendmaking in ‘The Pit’, namelijk dat Konnech de identiteit van 1,8 miljoen Amerikaanse verkiezingsmedewerkers op een server in China heeft staan, door het nep nieuws afgemaakt en werd het allemaal als onzin afgedaan en iedereen die er ook maar een woord van geloofde was een complotaanhanger.
Welnu……… Eugene Yu is afgelopen 4 oktober gearresteerd op verdenking van het stelen van de identiteit van personen en dat die gegevens op een server in China staan.