USA 2020

Heerlijk, kan er uren naar kijken! TDS gaat deze keer 'next level' worden, het zou mij zelfs niet verbazen als we ook nog zelfmoorden gaan zien.

Het gaat spannend worden!

Wie gaat winnen, Trump of Biden?

“Dat is echt lastig te zeggen. Op dit moment staat Biden voor in de peilingen. In 2016 had je echt grote schommelingen binnen de peilingen, maar op dit moment staan ze best wel muurvast. Het lijkt er dus op dat Biden gaat winnen, maar het kan dinsdag nog spannend worden. Er is nog van alles mogelijk.”

Ik krijg van Newsweek steeds info terwijl ik niet weet of ik me ooit heb aangemeld.

Als genoemd bericht de waarheid is dan moet dat beter geregeld worden tenzij ...ze expres een rally in discrediet willen brengen.
Ik kwam deze tegen en wil het een ieder niet onthouden.


For this entire year I have followed the news and been reporting the news daily (I haven’t missed a single day in 2020) via my Telegram Channel so I am in it, all day long and all night long. I’ve been watching President Trump and Joe Biden with laser focus.

I know what "Cancel Culture" is about and I have been the victim of it. I have been deleted off of YouTube — without warning and 10 years of work gone (now I am back on but don’t use it much); deleted off of Pinterest for being an “anti-vaxxer” and dropped from numerous payment gateways, etc. You get the picture. When the corporate mob and social media Technocracy comes after You with their political correctness and slander, there is little a single individual or even a single organization can do to stop their attacks.

We have seen that President Trump has been the victim of the corporate media and the social media mobs slander attacks and political attacks since he took office. He’s been politically targeted with the Russian Collusion Hoax, FBI harassment, the waste of money Mueller probe, the fake and phony impeachment and numerous allegations that they could never prove. All of this actually woke me up about the agenda to stop Trump (whom I didn’t vote for in 2016 yet did vote for in 2020).

The corporate media and technocracy want to stop President Trump because he represents the biggest threat to their globalist agenda and tyrannical plans to rule the world using “woke” talking points like battling disinformation (a.k.a. censorship) “climate change” (via taxing the individual instead of targeting the polluters), “germ theory” hysteria and many, many other strategies all designed to take away individual freedoms.

President Trump is like our Super Bowl Coach who brought us to great prosperity during his 4 years in spite of the nonstop media attacks that turned out to be baseless.

I’m not saying President Trump is perfect, but he’s a thousand times better than heading for dementia, wishy-washy, “I’ll brazenly lie to win,” and “let me use my office to become rich” hidin’ Joe Biden who I know from the Hunter Biden laptop revelations (which I unfortunately have investigated and filtered through) is corrupt to the core—to the soul.

Joe Biden is for more mandatory lockdowns, quarantines, social distancing, mask wearing and adult vaccinations. That’s right and you read that right: Joe Biden and his 50 years in Washington, DC without a single accomplishment to his name except that dastardly 1994 crime bill is FOR mandatory Corona injections! A condition that has a 99.99% survival rate and as the mounting evidence has shown is less deadly than the flu and tuberculosis. President Trump has stated repeatedly that he will never mandate vaccines and that there will be no more lockdowns in America. So Trump got my vote right there.

I’m pretty much a one-issue voter: my body, my choice — I will not remain quiet on this issue. Medical scientism and the vaccine agenda driven by Bill Gates and Big Pharma is a system of control and communist principles. Control-freak and megalomaniac Bill Gates has already said that “we don’t have a choice” and the only way we get back to normal is when 7.8 billion people are injected with his experimental vaccine. Sorry! Sounds like communism and totalitarianism to me. Especially for a condition with a 99.99% survival rate. There is no way on Earth I am going to stand by and let my people be mandatorily injected by a Biden administration with an experimental vaccine that we are told will modify our RNA forever!

Joe Biden is constantly hiding while President Trump is hosting 2-3 rallies every day for tens of thousands of people. Joe Biden is lucky if 100 people show up to his events! I get the impression that nobody likes him and his socialist policies except the corporate oligarchs driving their Trump Derangement Syndrome narrative.

Joe Biden is regularly stammering and his gaffes have become a talking point around the world. Joe Biden is in cognitive decline and will not make it through 4 years without having to be replaced by his cackling socialist, communist running mate Kamala Harris who has been a disaster for California (the highest taxed state in America with one of the worst standards of living and the highest homelessness rate in the country). My family and I are currently fleeing the state of California for good.

We know what “left wing” socialist political corruption has done to California since we have lived through it all. We first came to California as a family in 1977! And now, due to totalitarian political corruption, we are all fleeing the state for good! Joe Biden wants to raise taxes to an unprecedented level to pay for more socialist policies and bureaucracy we don’t want or need and that would cripple the American people. Think about more mandatory lockdowns, mandatory injections and higher taxes and what that would do to the US economy and our lives. President Trump knows what it will do: it will cause the Greatest Economic Depression in US History.

If Joe Biden could do anything good, he would have done it during his 50 years in Washington, DC. Instead, he sold us out to the Chinese Communist Party, to Russia and to the Ukraine (amongst others) while using his crack addict, sex addict son as the bagman on these corrupt dealings. According to numerous people I know in the US military, Joe Biden is actually too compromised to become Commander in Chief because he won’t be able to get a security clearance with the US military because of kickback money he received from the Chinese Communist Party as the “Big Guy” in their corruption scheme.

That’s the core of my perspective: Vote Trump 2020. Let’s defeat censorship, political correctness and media bullying all at once by supporting our Head Coach as we get back to Winning!!

Joe had weer een fantastische rally.

Kijk eens wat er na de uitzending op Youtube staat. SWAMPBOY. 😂😂


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