USA 2020


Ach, ach, ach ?‍♂️

Trump is impopulair onder de Amerikaanse bevolking, en staat in een peiling ver achter op Joe Biden, meldde CNN. De president wil nu een rectificatie.
Beat the System

We completely agree. An individual – with luck, brains, and determination – can beat the system.

And even if it is not true, he should still believe it. He is the only one who can really improve his life. And if he ever loses faith, he’s finished.

This top financial expert just returned from a private meeting with members of the Senate Financial Services Committee…

He can march in all the demonstrations he wants. He can vote and write letters to the editor… and ask his congressman to take the knee. But he, and only he, is likely to genuinely improve the circumstances of his life.

No one will polish his shoes for him. No one will get to work early and pretend to be him… or prove to his boss that he should be given a raise. No one will save money for him… learn new skills for him… or brush his teeth or comb his hair.

And if he’s counting on the feds to make his life better, well… good luck to him.

Bron: Bill Bonner
Net als je denkt dat het niet gekker kan worden:

Joe Biden: "Dr. King’s assassination did not have the worldwide impact that George Floyd’s death did.”
En dit dan:

'When you click to donate to Black Lives Matter, it takes you to ActBlue. If donated money goes unclaimed, ActBlue disperses the money however they want.

These are their top expenditures so far in 2020:
(Ik rond de bedragen in dollars even af naar beneden)

- Bernie 2020: 186 miljoen
- Biden for President: 119 miljoen
- Elizabeth Warren Presidential Exploratory Cmte: 93 miljoen
= Pete for America 78 miljoen etc. Zie tweet.
Ik denk dat Joe Biden helemaal geen debat met Donald Trump wil. Hij weet dat hij verbaal 100% kansloos is.

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