
C 🐣werkt op de kinderopvang(!) en na een bericht op de radio over de plannen om ongevaccineerde kinderen te weigeren bij de kinderopvang zegt ze:

🐣" Ik ben het er wel mee eens. Er hoeft namelijk maar 1 ongevaccineerd kindje op de groep te komen, die kan dan de hele groep aansteken".

👵🏼Ik vroeg haar nog eens te herhalen wat ze zei waarop ze antwoorde:

🐣Ja, straks worden ze allemaal ziek!

👵🏼Nogmaals vroeg ik haar te herhalen wat ze zei en ze keek me aan met een blik van ' waar wil jij nou naartoe?' dus stelde ik haar de volgende vraag:

👵🏼Waarom laat je kinderen vaccineren?

🐣 " Om ze te beschermen tegen ziektes als Polio enzo....

👵🏼Dus..... Als ze gevaccineerd zijn, zijn ze beschermd?

🐣Ja, ze worden iig minder ziek en gaan niet dood!

👵🏼Dus de kinderen die niet gevaccineerd zijn kunnen volgens jou veel zieker worden, gaan misschien wel dood én kunnen de gevaccineerde kinderen ook ziek maken?

🐣 Ja, dat wil je toch niet???

👵🏼Oke, nogmaals, we beginnen bij het begin, Waarom vaccineer je kinderen????

🐣 Zodat ze dan beschermd zijn!!!

👵🏼Als ze dan beschermd zijn, hoe kunnen ze dan ziek worden van een ongevaccineerd kindje? Werkt het vaccine dan wel?

🐣 Tja ....
....... stilte......lange stilte...... en dan: " Oh wat erg! Dat kan dan eigenlijk niet he?

👵🏼 Precies! Dus waarom zou je bang zijn voor ongevaccineerde kinderen en waarom zou je juist de kinderen weren die geen enkel gevaar vormen voor de gevaccineerde en 'beschermde' kinderen?

Nog een langere stilte.......

🐣Oh wat erg dat ik zo gedacht heb! 🙈

👵🏼Nee, niet erg! Vanaf nu zal je nooit meer zo denken! Vraag je liever af waarom je zo dacht.
Btw , heb je je al eens verdiept in vaccinaties of hoe virussen werken? Of vraag ik nu echt teveel ...... 😜

Onderstaande link kun je stemmen👇🏼. Helaas 55% denkt net als C🐣dacht en 11% vindt het blijkbaar prima dat er voor hen gedacht wordt.

Denk na!
Stem wijzer! 👇🏼

Liefs Monique ❤️


Er zijn ongeveer 100.000 Amerikanen die nog nooit gevaccineerd zijn en dit zeggen de data​

Glaser nam deel aan een onderzoek waarbij gekeken is naar de gezondheid van ongevaccineerde kinderen van ongevaccineerde ouders.

Deze kinderen werden vervolgens vergeleken met gevaccineerde kinderen. 98 procent van de ongevaccineerde kinderen werd niet getroffen door ziektes. Ze hadden geen ADHD, diabetes, obesitas, astma, epilepsie, kanker, enzovoorts. In de gevaccineerde groep hadden kinderen allerlei (ernstige) aandoeningen.

🔥🔥"All chronic diseases today, especially in people under, let's say, 50, are because of vaccines. It's not because of what you eat...We have to stay focused on the shots because that's how they poison us and our children."🔥🔥 (1/5)

Retired pharma R&D executive Sasha Latypova (@sasha_latypova) describes for Michael Farris (@CoffeeandaMike) how it is LITERALLY NOT POSSIBLE TO VACCINATE people—against anything, for any reason. Latypova highlights the work of Nobel Prize winner—and eugenicist—Charles Richet, which showed conclusively that anytime a protein—of any type—is injected into a person's bloodstream, it primes their body for an anaphylactic reaction the next time they're injected with (or even, possibly, consume) that protein.

Richet "quickly realized that you don't have to inject a toxin to produce [anaphylaxis]," Latypova says. "You can inject safe things like milk, like, corn, soy derivatives, albumins, gelatin. So anything that you think is safe to eat, if you inject it, a protein directly into the bloodstream, you can produce this effect."

Latypova notes: "This is how people have lactose intolerance. All the peanut allergies are because of this. The Alpha-gal, this effect [meat allergies] it's another type of allergy that's because of the gelatin injections. And so there's a variety of different reactions. They all boil down to the same thing: You got injected with the protein directly into the bloodstream."

"So all chronic diseases today, especially in people under, let's say, 50, are because of the vaccines. It's not because of what you eat," the retired pharma executive adds. She goes on to say:

"To produce the same damage through food, you need decades, and you need really bad habits. And you sometimes you might not even get But with one shot of a newborn, you can produce this effect for life. So that's why I'm saying, all this debate about food, throw it out of the window doesn't matter. We have to stay focused on the shots because that's how they poison us and our children through this. The food effects are secondary."

Furthermore, Latypova says that "the work of Charles Richet and his Nobel Prize definitively says that it's not possible to vaccinate. Vaccination is not possible. There are no safe vaccines." She adds:

"You can't do it because we have this fundamental law of nature that works against it. You can't inject proteins directly into the bloodstream. And everybody denies it. The whole medical establishment denies that this exists, that this knowledge is available. They deny it. They call it different names. They give it different categories. They hide the data. They ban us everywhere. They say we're cranks and anti-vaxxers, and we're just crazy, and we're killing grandma. And so this whole establishment is working as one unit to suppress this information."

This is why food is the new focus among the (usurped) freedom health movement, Latypova notes.

"That's why they're telling you, 'Oh, it's need to ban corn syrup ban dyes or you know? And that's why in California, they label everything with proposition 65 so that you think that everything around you causes cancer. And that's not true. Cancer is caused by injections through the same mechanism. So, anyway, so that's what I want people to understand. And I wrote several articles about it. I linked Richet's work...As I said, you can find his book and you can read about it and it will become extremely clear what's going on. And that's why, you know, it's so important to stay on the vaccines and not get into these diversions of, you know, let's ban different types of food."

🔥🔥"All chronic diseases today, especially in people under, let's say, 50, are because of vaccines. It's not because of what you eat...We have to stay focused on the shots because that's how they poison us and our children."🔥🔥 (1/5)

Retired pharma R&D executive Sasha Latypova (@sasha_latypova) describes for Michael Farris (@CoffeeandaMike) how it is LITERALLY NOT POSSIBLE TO VACCINATE people—against anything, for any reason. Latypova highlights the work of Nobel Prize winner—and eugenicist—Charles Richet, which showed conclusively that anytime a protein—of any type—is injected into a person's bloodstream, it primes their body for an anaphylactic reaction the next time they're injected with (or even, possibly, consume) that protein.

Richet "quickly realized that you don't have to inject a toxin to produce [anaphylaxis]," Latypova says. "You can inject safe things like milk, like, corn, soy derivatives, albumins, gelatin. So anything that you think is safe to eat, if you inject it, a protein directly into the bloodstream, you can produce this effect."

Latypova notes: "This is how people have lactose intolerance. All the peanut allergies are because of this. The Alpha-gal, this effect [meat allergies] it's another type of allergy that's because of the gelatin injections. And so there's a variety of different reactions. They all boil down to the same thing: You got injected with the protein directly into the bloodstream."

"So all chronic diseases today, especially in people under, let's say, 50, are because of the vaccines. It's not because of what you eat," the retired pharma executive adds. She goes on to say:

"To produce the same damage through food, you need decades, and you need really bad habits. And you sometimes you might not even get But with one shot of a newborn, you can produce this effect for life. So that's why I'm saying, all this debate about food, throw it out of the window doesn't matter. We have to stay focused on the shots because that's how they poison us and our children through this. The food effects are secondary."

Furthermore, Latypova says that "the work of Charles Richet and his Nobel Prize definitively says that it's not possible to vaccinate. Vaccination is not possible. There are no safe vaccines." She adds:

"You can't do it because we have this fundamental law of nature that works against it. You can't inject proteins directly into the bloodstream. And everybody denies it. The whole medical establishment denies that this exists, that this knowledge is available. They deny it. They call it different names. They give it different categories. They hide the data. They ban us everywhere. They say we're cranks and anti-vaxxers, and we're just crazy, and we're killing grandma. And so this whole establishment is working as one unit to suppress this information."

This is why food is the new focus among the (usurped) freedom health movement, Latypova notes.

"That's why they're telling you, 'Oh, it's need to ban corn syrup ban dyes or you know? And that's why in California, they label everything with proposition 65 so that you think that everything around you causes cancer. And that's not true. Cancer is caused by injections through the same mechanism. So, anyway, so that's what I want people to understand. And I wrote several articles about it. I linked Richet's work...As I said, you can find his book and you can read about it and it will become extremely clear what's going on. And that's why, you know, it's so important to stay on the vaccines and not get into these diversions of, you know, let's ban different types of food."


Ik vraag me af waarom ze zegt jonger dan 50, is het omdat je voor die leeftijd veel minder vaccinaties kreeg?
Ik zou echt niet weten hoeveel vaccinaties ik heb gekregen als kind, ik ben 52.
Ik vraag me af waarom ze zegt jonger dan 50, is het omdat je voor die leeftijd veel minder vaccinaties kreeg?
Ik zou echt niet weten hoeveel vaccinaties ik heb gekregen als kind, ik ben 52.
Was ook wel benieuwd, dit vond ik:
Daarnaast in mijn baby-dagboek een aantekening van mijn moeder dat ik doodziek was na het pokkenvaccin.

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