Verenigde Staten van Amerika

Happy Independence Day patriots! 🇺🇲

The Cabal has used all of their power to try and drag this country down, yet they cannot break the foundations of freedom.

The Constitution has been a fortress against the New World Order.

I believe this country has a beautiful destiny and we haven't even scratched the surface yet.

One of the most remarkable truths about America is that she was infiltrated by deep state players purposely dismantling her, yet somehow, America is still the best damn country in the world. It's almost inexplicable if you hadn't considered that the constitution is the most genius, inspired work ever written by American authors. It's powerful in its execution that even the communists running our country struggle to undermine it.
Just imagine how great our country could become if run by Godly Patriots rather than a Satanic cult? Some say America is doomed, but I beg to differ. I can see it now. She can be reborn into something magnificent. That glimmer of hope has not died out as long as Patriots like you and me hold it dear and as long as our incredible constitution stands guard with God's vision on our side.
Happy Independence Day Patriots.
The best is yet to come.
You've got to believe it.

Er is cocaïne gevonden in het witte huis maar wat ik mij vooral af vraag waarom komt dit nu wel uit en eerder niet er zal vast wel veel vaker cocaïne gebruikt zijn daar.

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