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So to summarize:
Gavin Newsom was "theoretically" in talks of replacing Feinstein just two weeks ago, the Q drop specifically mentioning for Feinstein to be gone was just a few hours away from being a five year delta, and Michelle Obama has been seeing close chefs drown without their clothes on just as Obama saw his gay lovers inexplicably be mysteriously shot before he made his move for the White House and the Obama's may have lived in California fairly recently.
Am I getting this right?
Diane Feinstein has died at age 90. According to the official statement from her office, she died at her home last night, on September 28th. Exactly 5 years + 1 day AP News
So to summarize: Gavin Newsom was "theoretically" in talks of replacing Feinstein just two weeks ago, the Q drop specifically mentioning for Feinstein to be gone was just a few hours away from being a five year delta, and Michelle Obama has been seeing close chefs drown without their clothes on...
The information in this post is sourced from a combination of my research, the research of those before me (already published), Congressional documents, Supreme Court documents, government documents, and more, plus all of their archives.
De Republikeinse vertegenwoordiger Matt Gaetz heeft maandagavond een motie ingediend om zijn partijgenoot Kevin McCarthy het voorzitterschap van het Amerikaanse Huis van Afgevaardigden te ontnemen. Da...