Verenigde Staten van Amerika

I’d love it if not another dime went to Ukraine.

I’d love for our politicians to actually care about the people they allegedly serve.

I’d love to see the whole truth about covid-19 to come to light.

I’d love to have immigration slowed and or stopped; until we get grip on helping our own.

I’d love to see the people who created the RussiaGate collusion hoax go to prison.

I’d love to see the uniparty implode.

I’d love it if the mainstream media was actually held accountable for the things they said, and the narratives they run.

I’d love to see the truth about the 2020 presidential election come to light.

Most of all, I’d love it if people turned to God instead of government to fix their problems.

Trump openly having an election stolen from him in broad daylight: not chaos

Two utterly fake impeachments of Trump over Ukraine & then 'inciting an iNsuReCkShUn': not chaos

Out of control DA's trying to either send Trump to prison for 700 years for contesting that election theft legally and lawfully, or attempting to use civil courts to seize and liquidate all his assets: not chaos.

J6 people being locked up for years & held without trial, then sentenced to long prison terms: not chaos

A wide open border with human/drug/sex/organ trafficking increasing to mind boggling levels: not chaos

Printing money like mofos and inflation going through the roof while energy production in suppressed: not chaos

A weaponized DOJ/FBI & local law enforcement indicting a former President 4 times on bullshit charges, plus a fake Special Counsel investigation after raiding that President's home: not chaos

Federal officials lying to the public with increasing desperation about COVID 19 origins and the vaccines & masks for going on 3 years: not chaos

Federal gov't getting caught red handed illegally censoring millions of Americans by strong arming social media companies behind the scenes in a massive Censorship Regime making use of dozens of well funded NGOs: not chaos

Shipping the most corrupt regime in Eastern Europe $120 billion taxpayer dollars while our country literally is being reduced to a shithole: not chaos.

Defund-the-police Soros DA's & Mayors literally turning their cities into violent crime war zones: not chaos.

But THIS FUCKING CAREER POLITICIAN who kept breaking his word and going behind his own coalition's back to do deals to grease all the right skids so all this fucking BUSINESS AS USUAL could continue loses his job and all of a sudden certain "Conservative" [Inc.] people are wailing about how 'chaos' has broken out, and how outrageous and unsustainable our present situation is?


You're not fooling anybody who's been paying attention.

If you haven’t read this …….

How did we lose our sovereignty through corporatization of the US Federal Government?

It’s a multi step process:

1. Create a separate piece of land designated for the Federal Government
2. Create wars and thus debt for the Federal Government and have individuals buy these debts (greenbacks)
3. Through war create Martial Law and force 14th amendment by using insurrection/slavery as the justification
4. Label everyone a Citizen of the US to “protect everyone from slavery” but also surrender freedom in the process making everyone “belong” to the US.
5. The Federal Government that now resides in DC has greatest authority over the people of the US instead of the states
6. Grant through Congressional acts and bills “expansive powers” to the Executive Office and rule via CIC and executive order
7. Create a new and separate corporate government for DC, call it DC, controlled by executive department and congress / ie federal government then reinforce 14th amendment through Federal Government
8. Drive further debt and bank panics forcing sell of government debt directly to JP Morgan and Rothschilds
9. Implement Federal Reserve to hold federal government debt, Remove assets from Treasury and place with Federal Reserve, and control Congress through blackmail.
10. Remove all gold and drive debt further with wars and interest rates.

He who owns the debt owns the debtors and all the property of the debtors. This means ownership of:
1. Federal Government - who owns us through 14th amendment, and has ultimate authority over us
2. DC—which is both land AND a government controlled by the Executive Office
3. All the land owned by the Federal Government

He who has the gold makes the rules, and it’s all set up already with all of us as debt slaves.

This WAS the system we were living in. Controlled by foreign interests.

They did this to many different countries too.

All of it documented in our government and federal archives - READ IT. See for yourself.

Attempt to debunk it.

Dat zal ook in Nederland een schok geven bij de normies. Het narratief in de kranten is steeds Orange man bad, meerdere keren gearresteerd, mug shot, Trump in financiële problemen, januari 6 verhalen Etc. En nu opeens kan hij speaker of the house worden. Dat kan niet gebeuren als hij iets misdadig gedaan heeft toch? Maar ja of de normies in NL ook zo denken?
Hoe positiever Trump straks in het nieuws komt, des te meer de gemiddelde NL-er ook in die richting zal gaan meepraten. Dan vonden ze hem eigenlijk 'altijd al best wel ok', wisten ze vanaf het begin al van de verkiezingsfraude etc.. Beetje zoals in april 1945 nog even snel in het verzet gaan. Nederlanders zijn verschrikkelijk.

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