Verenigde Staten van Amerika

As an American Muslim, perhaps I can explain from my perspective; I don’t speak for all of us:

Muslims naturally align with conservative values, but have been demonized by republicans heavily since 9/11. How can we vote for a party that hates us? We were forced to align with the left because at least they accepted us (or so we thought).

Until the left went crazy the past few years. Pushing 🏳️‍🌈 pride and drag queen story hours. Muslims were left again without representation.

We were beginning to lean more republican because at least we had common values. Relationships between the two had been improving. I was ready to vote for just about any republican over a democrat this next election. I already voted majority republican last time.

Until this week. The masks have been pulled off and it’s clear the Right never stopped hating us. Their unconditional support for the atrocities happening to the Palestinian people and the outright call for Muslims to be banned, deported and killed, has made things very clear.

We are politically homeless in this country, as I think a majority of Americans are. And on top of that, we are no longer safe with the rhetoric that is being spewed by the far-right.

I was born in this country. I served in the military. As did my father and grandfather. I was once willing to die to protect the values of this country. But those values are no more.

As for me and my family, it’s time for us to find somewhere else to call home. I refuse to live in and support a country, with my tax dollars, as they directly or indirectly kill innocent people - my people.

Palestine is special to the hearts of all Muslims. It’s doesn’t matter where we are from or that most of us have never been there. It’s not the land. We are connected to the PEOPLE - on a deep level - that only recently some of you have begun to understand.

This betrayal will be etched into the hearts of Muslims - forever. As it should be in everyone else’s.

I hope and pray that America changes course, and finds its way back to God, back to humanity and back to decency. For everyones sake. But many of us are no longer waiting around to find out.


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