Verenigde Staten van Amerika

Most Americans are completely unaware how bad this middle eastern conflict is & how it will affect them directly.

So let me try to explain it in the most basic way possible.

Israel’s response to the terrorist attacks is non stop bombing thousands of Palestinians are dying.

The US is threatening all neighboring countries to not get involved.

Those neighboring countries have all made public statements that Israel is doing war crimes, and must be stopped.

The Islamic world has never been more united. Countries with powerful militaries like Iran, and Turkey may attack Israel at any moment.

United States simply does not have the manpower to protect Israel if these other countries get involved.

Our ammunition has been almost depleted by giving it all to Ukraine . Ukraine has been flattened and has already lost the war. For some reason they’re just not admitting it. Russia has already claimed & has all the territory in Ukraine they wanted.

Ton of our troops are stationed in places like Poland to stop Russia from moving east witch they would never do. Doesn’t make sense for them to do that at all.

The US just banned civilian, firearm exports. I which is probably a strong sign that America is gearing up for war times.
This could be the very start of trying to reserve any resources we have for a major war effort which they have done in previous world wars.

Israel over the last couple years has been supporting Ukraine. Which obviously would make Russia mad & Russia has good relations with Iran.

it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to start seeing the teams forming around the world.

So how would this affect Americans? Gas prices through the roof , food prices through the roof, inflation , a military draft, sleeper cells, terrorist attacks on US soil’s way more likely. Not to mention multiple countries that could bring the war to US mainland.

There must be a cease-fire in the Middle East NOW! Before it’s all too late.

But the Biden administration has shown time and time again they have no interest in de-escalation or peace.

So the people, me & you must demand the cease-fire ourselves, it’s the only thing we can do.

The Biden administration is now actively preparing for the Israel-Hamas conflict to expand across the Middle East.

Which means a terrorist attack will happen on US soil shortly and it will be used to declare martial law and cancel the 2024 elections.

That's why the border has been open for 3 years and they're making life very hard for Americas without a care in the world.

We wanted sleeper cells to form here, a religious war to start in the Middle East we fully support and the motivated sleeper cells to manufacture a mass casualty event on US soil that we would exploit.

It's possible 2024 becomes the craziest year in US History.

🚨JUST IN: White House Prepares for Escalating Conflict

The Biden administration is actively preparing for the Israel-Hamas conflict to expand across the Middle East

Protecting U.S. forces in the region is a top priority amid growing concerns about regional escalation

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and Israeli Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant discussed the situation in the wake of Israel's expanded operations in Gaza

Israeli intelligence indicates that Hezbollah, supported by Iran and based in Lebanon, is expected to increase its attacks against Israel

Source: AXIOS


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