Verenigde Staten van Amerika

🇺🇸Happy Veterans Day🇺🇸

Unfortunately for us Americans, most of our wars in the last century have been engineered or were allowed to happen for special interests; thus, I am reluctant to appreciate all the "thanks for your service" from people. However, the reality is this: once you are sent into a warzone, the politics no longer matter; it then all comes down to getting out alive and protecting your fellow troops. This is why unjust wars are THE WORST KINDS OF WARS: good people are put in bad situations, by demons who want to profit off death and destruction, and gain more power for themselves.

I have been carrying guilt for being part of the war machine for years, but as my father told me: I didn't know the truth, and my intentions were good. This kind of makes me feel better, but nothing takes the guilt away better than making things right: fighting to the enemies of mankind—the Parasite Class. And this is why I continue pushing forward with my activism; fighting against enemies foreign and domestic, both of whom I swore to defend my country from. The domestic enemies are all the traitors and foreign agents operating in DC, using my country to benefit themselves and their masters.

I also want to wish a Happy Veterans Day to those who fought against us. I know this sounds crazy, but I understand all of you were just trying to defend your homelands from my country's satanic military industrial complex. I am sorry for what my country has done to yours, and I hope all you veterans are getting the help you need, to treat the wounds you received from fighting us.

And don’t think America got away with its crimes against you without paying a heavy price. Just look at my country now: our veterans commit suicide at a rate of 22 per day; our citizens are the most mentally and physically sick people on the planet; our degeneracy has stooped to such lows, even our children being sucked into them; it has become the laughing stock of the world; and it is in TRILLIONS UPON TRILLIONS of debt.

America has become a mere shadow of its former self; it is paying a HEAVY PRICE for what it has done to the world. I do not say this with any joy but with sadness in my heart, and because it is true. Your country my lay in physical ruins because of mine, but mine lays in spiritual ruins for what it has done to yours.

If I were in charge of America, I'd shut down all our bases, pull all our troops out of every foreign land, put every warmonger, traitor, and shill in front of a firing squad, and keep America out of everyone else's business, so the world could heal itself from the wounds we inflicted upon it.

But I'm not in charge, and all I can do is continue to expose the Parasite Class and their machinations, hoping that my fellow citizens wake up to the truth, and one day topple this tyranny that is a threat to us and all of humanity.


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