Verenigde Staten van Amerika

Now, **the Fake News Mockingbird Matrix Media** is NOT going to point out to you or show you how TERRIFIED they are that Justice Clarence Thomas is the one who's actually in the driver's seat this last year. That he and Gorsuch and ACB and Alito are forcing HIM to go along with THEM, rather than the OTHER WAY AROUND, which is what's SUPPOSED to be happening. According to the 'experts'.

I've been saying this for awhile now.

Will continue to say it:

If Chief Justice John Roberts was in control of the SCOTUS still, you would NEVER have seen Roe v. Wade being overturned. Or Affirmative Action. And very likely, not that 2nd Amendment.

The overturning of Roe v Wade, **the** key sacrament of the Deep State UniParty, would never have been allowed if they had control of the court.

You know it.

I know it.


They are gonna downplay this unforeseen and completely unexpected development. Low key it.

After the Thomas-controlled SCOTUS eviscerated Roe v. Wade, Affirmative Action & firmly 'clarified' the 2nd Amendment earlier this year, they realized Roberts has lost control.

This has MAJOR IMPLICATIONS for the coming year, given the issues we can already see that the SCOTUS is going to asked to 'clarify' for the lower courts.

On things like ballot issues, presidential candidates, presidential immunity, and presidential declassification powers.

SCOTUS coverage in the Fake News is currently absurd stuff like this MSNBC piece which calls for the CONSERVATIVE wing of the Court to be reined in by an 'ethics lawyer' and the creation of a new 'inspector general's office' to police the Supreme Court.

What utter bullshit.

As Roberts lost control and it became CRYSTAL CLEAR to SCOTUS personnel, the staff inside the Court, that Roe vs Wade **was going to be overturned** their last desperate gambit to forestall what was happening was to LEAK THE DRAFT OPINION to the news media, in the hopes that the TOTAL FUCKING FURY of the Left would intimidate 1 or more of the SCOTUS justices into reversing their decision.

The SCOTUS doesn't need an ethics lawyer or some new inspector general investigating them. They need the FBI and the DOJ to do their fucking job and find out who leaked that draft opinion and then make a VERY PUBLIC EXAMPLE OUT OF THEM.

But given that that doesn't look likely, they said they looked and they don't have any idea who the leaker is, everybody has moved on.

So you're supposed to forget this isn't the Roberts Court anymore, as they run a lot of clickbait/brainwashing 'news' by you to frame the SCOTUS cases for the coming year.

You're not supposed to remember this is now the Thomas Court, as all the news coverage of Thomas is going to be heavily negative and slanted.

If you've been paying attention since these Fake News idiots were caught flat-footed by the leaking of the draft opinion, you've seen the stepping up of attacks on Thomas since that happened.

Expect it to only get worse in 2024.

Clarence Thomas is Public Enemy #1 right now. They have just GOT to find some way to get that uppity Negro under control. They've been trying for over 30 years, and now he's in a position where he can do some real DAMAGE to the Deep State and its planned agenda for the foreseeable future.

And I'm OK with that.


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