Verenigde Staten van Amerika

For the stupid ppl in the front row reading this:

A government can not, by definition, insurrect itself. Donald Trump as president can’t overthrow his own government. The CIA, FBI, military can try to overthrow the U.S. government which they did repeatedly in the form of involvement in impeachment 1&2 as well as the operation to prevent him from taking office in 2016.

Below is a link to a story that illustrates the FBI is a sadistic domestic terror organization. The FBI raided a childhood friend’s family compound one morning early on in this FBI led domestic terror event called 1/6. They arrested her niece but her nephew had left town and the family had no idea where he was. They sent bounty hunters to Lakeland to find him. So instead of processing the niece as they did many others and bringing her to trial, every time she appeared they proponed the charging/trial. This went on for almost 2 yrs all while making her were a tracking bracelet. They moved the places she was to show up and basically just terrorized her for the time, continually. Finally, the niece had all she could stand and cut off the bravely and ran. They only reason they refused to process her is so they could continue to monitor her to find the nephew. That’s it. Well, the sadistic bastards waiting until today to spring the arrest. Imagine just how fucking evil you have to be to torment ppl for your own publicity stunt. That’s the FBI.

This family is going to need all the help they can get from the patriot community.

@julie_kelly2 @shipwreckedcrew @JudicialWatch @RealStevefriend
@drawandstrike @TruthHammer4EVA @DrC_IET17 @AwakenedOutlaw…

This is the photo that landed me a call from the FBI. Couldn't even believe it; I did nothing wrong. I told them we were peaceful and patriotic.

It was a beautiful day with so much love in the air. I saw Americans from all races and walks of life coming together for the love of our country and to stand for freedom in a peaceful protest over an obviously fraudulent election. I will never forget the feeling of togetherness I felt from everyone around me, that feeling will stay with me forever🇺🇸

Happy J6, Patriots 🦅

Israel is the only foreign country allowed to have a lobby in America

Israel is the only country that has laws against boycotting it in America

Israel is the only country that ignores International with zero consequences

We send more money to Israel than any other county

Israel spies on America more than any other country

They are the only country that passed laws in over 20 countries so that if you question their history you go to jail

They passed anti-free speech laws all over Europe and America

I don't understand why we allow this small country to completely control and dominate us


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