Verenigde Staten van Amerika

For the last six months, our politicians have done nothing but fight to get money for Israel and Ukraine while trying to ban TikTok

It's clear that they don't represent the American people and it doesn't matter who we vote for

What is the solution?

I'm sick of being ruled by these traitors

Because Martin had handlers and pushed for free money and ties to communism

Malcom had no handlers and answered to nobody but god

He pushed black people to stop doing drugs and take responsibility and build their own communities

He called Martin a chump and a stooge of the Jew and white man

Malcolm X visited Palestine in 1964 and was shocked at what he saw and called for a free Palestine

After that, he remained extremely anti-zionist

MLK’s speech writers and handlers where all Jewish so he called them God-chosen people and repeated any and all Zionist talking points they wrote into his speechs

He’s ex military and saying it’s our fault Israel killed 34 of his own brothers

They were flying a huge America flag and the Israeli pilot confirmed he knew he was attacking an American ship to command before firing

Imagine being at war and this is the guy watching your back

I would rather fight alongside tranny than a guy that believes it’s oaky for Israelis to kill Americans


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