Verenigde Staten van Amerika

Wild. Insane times.

All types of censorship being practiced everywhere. And it’s always dressed up as protecting the vulnerable, but It’s always to protect the powerful , the establishment.

Censorship is the hallmark of dictators, authoritarians and fascists. If you support censorship that’s what you’re supporting.

🇺🇸🇵🇸 The Pro-Palestinian Demonstrations on College Campuses Have Been an Overwhelming Success

These demonstrations have been in response to America's complicity in the genocide unfolding in Gaza.

If Biden wants to stop it, he could.

In fact, he's had over half a year to do just that.

Liberal college students have begun to realize that the Democratic Party no longer represents them.

And when it comes to Israel, the Republicans are even worse.

Having understood this, they decided to PEACEFULLY protest against America's involvement in the genocide taking place in Gaza.

And yes, I said peacefully because they are peaceful demonstrations.

Isolated incidents don't change the meaning of these protests.

How could these protests be deemed anti-Jewish if many Jews organize and partake in said protests?

The ZOG (Zionist-Occupied Government) and the ZOM (Zionist-Occupied Media) have twisted the narrative to make these protests out to be something that they are not.

These protests are also highlighting many hypocrisies of those on the Zionist-Right.

So-called 'free speech advocates' are now advocating for the shutting down of these peaceful protests, and the arrests of the protesters.

However, these demonstrations have achieved their goal.

It shows that the American youth have woken up to the illusion of 'The Only Democracy in the Middle East.'

And that is a very big step in the right direction.

Young Americans are the future of the country, and that's also precisely the reason why the ZOG is pushing so hard for a TikTok ban.

All these anti-free speech measures exist to appease the Zionist lobby.

But these protests prove that America's at a turning point.

Gen Z has made up their mind, and as time goes on, more and more of the older generation also want nothing to do with the hell state that is Israel.

If Netanyahu decides to go into Rafah, it shows a level of arrogance that is almost incomprehensible.

Deciding to go into Rafah after seeing the public's sentiment for Israel in America, (you know, the same America that is responsible for Israel's survival), would mean that Israel thinks they have such a chokehold over the US that no matter what they do, they'll have America's backing.

I believe that in the end, this arrogance we've seen from Israel for over half a century, will ultimately lead to its downfall.


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