Verenigde Staten van Amerika

This monster is Mika's father.

Zbigniew Brzezinski, hand picked by David Rockefeller to be the organizer of The Trilateral Commission, discussing citizens in today's time who are becoming increasingly alert & awake to the dirty games in politics :

"It's easier to KILL a million people, than to control a million people"

In other words, it was once easier to propagandise the citizens but now that too many are awake, they need to be executed in one form or another now that the veil has lifted and WE, THE PEOPLE, are a threat to their livelihoods.

This POS globalist was counselor to President Lyndon Johnson after Kennedy's assassination, Former National Security Advisor to Jimmy Carter, endorsed George HW Bush for President & was Co-Chair of Bush's National Security Advisory Task Force & served on Bush's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board

He was lead Foreign Policy Advisor to Barack Obama

His daughter, Mika Brzezinski, hosts MSDNC's Morning Joe

His son, Mark Brzezinski, was chosen by Joe Biden to be the United States Ambassador to Poland

Zbigniew Brzezinski on Ukraine :
"Ukraine is the key. If Ukraine is a strong country that stands on its own, Russia will remain within its borders.
A weakened Ukraine risks an expansionist Russia."

Demons run our government.

🚨BREAKING: Union Seminary, affiliated with Columbia University, has become the first U.S. higher education institution to fully divest from companies linked to to israel’s genocide in Palestine. The Seminary's Board of Trustees voted on Thursday to divest from all companies profiting from these activities, and it will begin selling shares in these identified companies.

This is an Israeli naval officer who participated in the atrocities in Gaza and who later went on Fox News and said he was “truly afraid” to walk on campus due to the protesting students. This time he walks into the middle of the MIT encampment and starts screaming for police to save him because he feels unsafe, while the students ignore him 😂🤡


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