Verenigde Staten van Amerika

Only a total fool thinks this ends with Gaza.

This is Zionism. The belief that the land of Israel, as outlined in Numbers 34, belongs to the Jews and the Jews alone. Are there some Zionists who don’t take it to this extreme? Sure. But they are a tepid force in comparison to the ones who do.

The battle for Zion is rooted in religion and America does not fight religious wars. If the Jews and the Dispensationalist Christians want to wage a biblical war for that land, by all means, they should follow their hearts. But America has ZERO business involving ourselves in this fight. Enough is enough. No more money, no more military or diplomatic support. It is antithetical to everything our nation was founded on.


I'm one of the top experts on choking and strangling people in the world

I'll happily debate anyone in the world that a choke did not kill George Floyd

I've talked to multiple other experts on this, and 100% of them agreed

I believe it was bad police work, but he did not die from a choke

To choke someone unconscious or to kill them you need to cut off air to the Carotid artery

As you can see the Cartotid Artary is in the front and Derek Chaviun has his knee in the back of his neck

Did the defense even bring in any choke experts and other police officers?

Was he givin as a sacrificial lamb?

I don't think this is a technique that should be used on concrete but it does not cut off the air


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