Verenigde Staten van Amerika


U.S State department spokesman Mathew Miller refused to support an Independent investigation into the Rape of Palestinian detainees inside israel’s torture camps.

“I would have to look at what specific independent investigation people are calling for…the IDF and israel will investigate”

Tim Walz VP pick says it all - They know Kamala can’t win, so they plan to sabotage America
Mike Adams

The Dems' choice of Tim Walz as a VP pick is almost an admission that all hope is lost. It seems obvious they know they can't win, so they're doubling down on the planned riots, civil unrest and left-wing insurrection against America.

We anticipate massive sabotage operations carried out by radicalized leftists working in conjunction with the deep state to try to cripple America's economy, border and civility to the greatest extent possible before Trump takes office.

I've got full analysis in today's Brighteon Broadcast News, plus an interview with Kim Yeater from Take Our Border Back (TOBB).

Also today: A sermon from 2nd Corinthians: Though we walk in the flesh, we war against enemies of God through the power of faith.

Find it all: The news, the interview and the sermon here.

Plus, check out all the news below for more breaking coverage...

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