Verenigde Staten van Amerika

This process of electing the speaker of the House is making a lot of people learn things they didn't know. What is the rules committee? Why is it so powerful? Who can veto items on it and what does that mean? Were people aware that electing the speaker had gone more than one round so many times in the past? How many people knew before today that almost *anyone* (Trump, not a House member) could be speaker?

This whole process is teaching the WORLD how Republics function—as opposed to N+1 Democracies. Remember: the US is a Republic—for a reason. The voice of the minority is protected in our Republic.

We finally have the whole country watching what Congress is doing LIVE!!!!

THIS was the goal. THIS is how you wake people the hell up!

It’s like ELECTION night used to feel…before we all realized our votes didn’t really matter anymore.
It’s late— but The Hill is ROWDY & loud.
It’s just FASCINATING to watch.


Reminder that exactly 2 years ago around this same time of night, Congress had just reconvened after Nancy’s J6 Treasonous attack on the Capitol.

Not a coincidence.

On this night, exactly 2 years ago, Congress had just reconvened after Nancy’s J6 Treasonous attack on the Capitol.

But tonight we have this—
a Texas DEMOCRAT & a Florida MAGA REPUBLICAN smiling & talking in a late night session of Congress.
We have a functioning House again.

Not a coincidence.

It took the past few years of absolute hell to SHOW PEOPLE the evil that the DEEP STATE had planned for their families, jobs & country.


Laatst bewerkt:
This will be the first time in over 100 years that we will be going into a weekend where there is EFFECTIVELY NO HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, THEREFORE A PARALYZED GOVERNMENT.

Biden cannot sign any Executive Order to fix the dilemma at hand. House staffers could go unpaid and without benefits. I'm curious if the Supreme Court will add any commentary on the matter.

These elected leaders cannot conduct "matters of national security", they cannot obtain intelligence briefings, and they cannot pass emergency measures if a major event occurred.

Seems to me that this would be an interesting weekend for "events" to happen and unfold. Congress has to vote in order to go to War! The enemy knows these transitions of powers are the weakest points in a Democracy.

Stay safe. Be on guard. Love your neighbor. God bless 🙏🏻🙌🏻🕊️

The fact that Gaetz and Boebert had to essentially force McCarthy to promise to do things that benefit the American people shows just how much of an embarrassment the swamp really is and illustrates the dire need for patriots to take up their callings and inhabit the halls of congress.

If that “DT” on the phone screen that MTG is handing off is Donald Trump…

Which I believe with 99.17% CERTAINTY that it is…

Then it’s pretty safe to say WHO is really running this show. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸⛈️⛈️⛈️💥💥💥

I’m comfy. 🐸🐸🐸

FOX NEWS just said that MTG was passing her phone to members on the Floor, & GettyImages got an image of the caller’s name.

Caller ID said DT…..

MTG was passing the phone so that different members could talk, which made FOX “assume it was TRUMP making some last minute calls”. 😏

This picture exists to go viral. The country is learning that Trump is calling the shots.

Laatst bewerkt:
Trump proved tonight that he's still the alpha male of the Republican party and when it comes down to it he calls the shots.
You may not like everything that happens, but he is directing this movie.



And, if this whole 4 day shebang wasn’t CRAZY enough…

This 5 YEAR Q delta is INCREDIBLE. 😳⛈️💥

It’s officially January 7th on the east coast.

It took 15 TIMES to vote.

MTG was on the phone with Trump in the chamber.

We are cooking with gas, Patriots!!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🔥🔥🔥


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