Verenigde Staten van Amerika

As soon as the mainstream media realized that the optics of Biden allowing a Chinese Spy Balloon to travel across the United States unchallenged was absolutely atrocious, they began to use an anonymous source saying, 'But Trump allowed them too!'
We all know how reliable anonymous sources really are.
The fake news cannot stop the populace from receiving the never ending parade of red pills.
The dam is breaking.

🇻🇪🌎💥🇨🇳 — Colombian Air Force confirms it has identified object similar to a balloon in its territory

In a statement, the Colombian Air Force confirmed that it had identified an object "with characteristics similar to a balloon". The alleged balloon was flying over the country's airspace on Friday (3).

In the statement, the Colombian Air Force reported that it detected the object yesterday morning, after it entered Colombian airspace through the northern region. According to the agency, the object was monitored until it left Colombian airspace.


Ook onder Trump al Chinese ballonnen boven VS, maar niet opgemerkt​

Ook in de periode dat Donald Trump president van de Verenigde Staten was (2017 tot 2021), zijn er Chinese ballonnen over Amerikaans grondgebied gevlogen. Dat heeft generaal Glen VanHerck gezegd, die verantwoordelijk is voor de beveiliging van het Noord-Amerikaanse luchtruim. De ballonnen bleven voor het Pentagon onopgemerkt.
Here's the real State of the Union. Over the past two years under Biden, millions and millions of illegal aliens from 160 different countries have stormed across our Southern border. Drug cartels are now raking in billions of dollars from smuggling poison to kill our people and to kill our children. Savage killers, rapists and violent criminals are being released from jail to continue their crime wave and under Biden the murder rate has reached the highest in the history of our country.

Biden and the radical Democrats have wasted trillions of dollars and caused the worst inflation in half a century. Real wages are down 21 months in a row. Gas prices have soared and are now going up much higher than even before and the typical American family is paying $2,200 in increased energy and food costs each year.

Joe Biden's weaponized Justice Department, and I'm a victim of it, is persecuting his political opponents. His administration is waging war on free speech. They're trying to indoctrinate and mutilate our children. He's leading us to the brink of World War III. And on top of all of that, he's the most corrupt president in American history, and it's not even close.

But the good news is we are going to reverse every single crisis, calamity and disaster that Joe Biden has created. I am running for President to end the destruction of our country and to complete the unfinished business of Making America Great Again. We will make our country better than ever before, and we will always put America First. Thank you.



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