Ervaring van een conservatieve Amerikaan in Duitsland, het had net zo goed over NL kunnen gaan:
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Before my month in Dresden, I often told my American compatriots who spoke of the certain demise of Europe that they failed to see the more pressing situation unfolding in America, where the white population was much smaller and closer to being an outright minority. Once I witnessed firsthand how degenerative German society had become, I had to retract my statement entirely.
While “American values” are often defined to suit the audience a politician wishes to evoke sympathy from, there is nevertheless a semblance of cohesive resistance to Marxist influence in America that Western Europe lacks entirely. It could be the greater religious presence in America in which God acts as a shield against the nefarious influences of post-modern culture. The only God left in Germany is environmentalism, where recycling is substituted for weekly sacraments, perfectly pruning one’s garden is a form of prayer, and fields of sacred windmills are erected like shrines.
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Before my month in Dresden, I often told my American compatriots who spoke of the certain demise of Europe that they failed to see the more pressing situation unfolding in America, where the white population was much smaller and closer to being an outright minority. Once I witnessed firsthand how degenerative German society had become, I had to retract my statement entirely.
While “American values” are often defined to suit the audience a politician wishes to evoke sympathy from, there is nevertheless a semblance of cohesive resistance to Marxist influence in America that Western Europe lacks entirely. It could be the greater religious presence in America in which God acts as a shield against the nefarious influences of post-modern culture. The only God left in Germany is environmentalism, where recycling is substituted for weekly sacraments, perfectly pruning one’s garden is a form of prayer, and fields of sacred windmills are erected like shrines.