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1. Slovakia will use its veto power to block attempts to admit Ukraine to NATO.
2. Slovakia will no longer supply any weapons to Ukraine.
3. Slovakia does not consider Ukraine an independent country; it is completely controlled and administered by the United States.
Pro-Russische Pellegrini wordt nieuwe president van Slowakije
De sociaaldemocratische parlementsvoorzitter Peter Pellegrini heeft de Slowaakse presidentsverkiezingen gewonnen. Met bijna alle stemmen geteld, heeft hij ruim 53 procent van de stemmen binnengehaald, aldus de kiescommissie.
De sociaaldemocratische parlementsvoorzitter Peter Pellegrini heeft de Slowaakse presidentsverkiezingen gewonnen. Met bijna alle stemmen geteld, heeft hij ruim 53 procent van de stemmen binnengehaald, aldus de kiescommissie.
#BREAKING: Progressive Slovakia leader Michal Šimečka has CANCELLED the opposition protest
"We are cancelling today's rally in support of RTVS in view of the attack on the prime minister. We absolutely and strongly condemn the violence and today's shooting of Prime Minister Robert Fico."
The man who shot Fico turned out to be a native of the Slovak city of Levice, according to TV Joj.
Robert Fico was against NATO proxy war in Ukraine:
“The war in Ukraine began in 2014, not 2022, when Ukrainian fascists killed citizens of Russian nationality in Ukraine. The Americans are fighting Russia with Ukrainian soldiers.”