Wat doe jij zelf om aan voldoende vitamine c te komen?
Ik heb geen idee of ik voldoende krijg. Als ik
iets binnenkrijg maar ik mij er verder niet druk om (maar ik ben ook niet hypergezond of zo

Als ik het niet vergeet is het eerste wat ik drink 's morgens wel lauw water met het sap van een halve of hele citroen erin en/of sole.
In de verhalen dat we het zelf niet aanmaken staat ergens ook dat het elke zoveel uur (4u?) opgebruikt is, dacht ik? In dat geval kan je steeds wat sap in je water doen doorheen de dag.
Dit stukje zie je ook hier en daar overgenomen worden van één of andere mij onbekende bron:
In 1928, a young Hungarian Dr. Albert Szent-Gyorgi was investigating oxygen reductase factors. One that he discovered in food he aptly named hexuronic acid based upon its actual structure and substance. It was only a mild oxygen reductase factor so he tossed it aside.
In 1931 Hoffman-La Roche (now just called Roche) came to him and said they had a cheap process to synthesize that substance and wanted to find a way to make money with it.
Making a long story short they rigged a study to "prove" that substance was "vitamin" 'C'. Part of the rigged study was with lemons.
The 'C' in "vitamin" 'C' stands for CON.
It should be of interest that Szent-Gyorgi later admitted that the "ascorbic acid" was not in fact the anti-scurvy substance it was claimed to be but by then nobody would listen.
The alleged "vitamin" identified as 'C', ascorbic acid, and the antiscorbutic factor is an innocuous portion of food that serves as a treatment in some -- though not all -- instances for scurvy and other conditions and functions.
There is NOTHING that "vitamin" 'C' accomplishes as a primary need. It is only a secondary or back-up substance. EVERYTHING credited to "vitamin" 'C' is actually accomplished by other means more readily and simply.
Furthermore, in larger quantities it is actually an immune suppressant.
There is a reason that humans do not produce their own "vitamin" 'C'. It is not a genetic defect. It is a superior design. This make sense, considering many humans would not have had any dietary source of "vitamin" 'C' for much of their existence.