rt.com 20 Oct, 2022 20:19
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Boris Johnson plots his return as UK PM – media​

The former British leader is reportedly pondering a political comeback now that his successor, Liz Truss, has resigned
Boris Johnson plots his return as UK PM – media

Ex-Prime Minister Boris Johnson is shown leaving a ceremony last month in London to proclaim King Charles III as the UK's new monarch. © Getty Images / Daniel Leal

Former UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson is reportedly plotting his return to power at 10 Downing Street, looking to replace Liz Truss after she resigned just 44 days after becoming his successor.

Several Conservative Party (Tory) lawmakers are already suggesting that Johnson be brought back as prime minister, according to reports on Thursday by the Times of London and other media outlets. Johnson, who is on vacation in the Dominican Republic, is contemplating whether to finish his trip as planned or “fly back and re-enter the political fray,” the Times said, citing unidentified sources.
Truss, who was previously the UK’s hawkish foreign secretary in the Johnson-led government, resigned on Thursday after her taxation and economic initiatives roiled financial markets and caused the British pound to plummet. She became the shortest-serving PM in UK history, breaking a nearly two-century-old record held by George Canning, who died after just 119 days in office.
UK PM steps down after 6 weeks in power
UK PM steps down after 6 weeks in power

The Tories plan to select a new leader by the end of next week, fast-tracking a process that took two months following Johnson’s resignation in July. The opposition Labour Party has called for an immediate general election. Britain’s last general election was held in 2019, when Johnson came to power. Given its majority in the House of Commons, the Conservative Party could delay the next general election to as late as January 2025.
The process of choosing a new Conservative Party leader could be completed by as soon as Monday because the Tories reportedly plan to consider only candidates who are nominated by at least 100 members of Parliament. That means there will be three candidates at most. If only one person gets the required number of nominations by Monday, he or she will become PM by default.

Johnson resigned under pressure following a series of scandals, including the Partygate fiasco, in which his office held alcohol-fueled parties at Downing Street and Whitehall during nationwide Covid-19 lockdowns in 2020 and 2021. However, even at the time he agreed to step down, Johnson was already contemplating another run for PM on expectations that his successor would be a “disaster,” the Sunday Times reported in July.

READ MORE: Media discovers Boris Johnson’s ambition

The new PM will inherit a slumping economy, the UK’s highest inflation rate in 40 years and public outrage at the Conservative Party. Truss’ successor will also take the helm amid an energy crisis that has been exacerbated by the UK’s support for Kiev in the Russia-Ukraine conflict.
Ik ben jaloers!!!!

46 dagen pispaal en hoppa, 10k in de maand:-) #wilikook
Boris Johnson doet geen gooi naar het leiderschap van de Britse Conservative Party, meldt onder meer BBC News zondag. Afgelopen donderdag trad Liz Truss af als premier van het Verenigd Koninkrijk. Zij was slechts 45 dagen aan de macht.

Doordat Johnson niet beschikbaar is als kandidaat, is op dit moment Rishi Sunak de enige officiële kandidaat voor het leiderschap van de Conservative Party en daarmee ook het Britse premierschap.

Rishi Sunak wordt de nieuwe premier van het Verenigd Koninkrijk​

Voormalig minister van Financiën Rishi Sunak wordt de nieuwe leider van de Britse Conservatieve partij. Daarmee volgt hij automatisch Liz Truss op als premier van het Verenigd Koninkrijk. Zijn enige rivaal, Penny Mordaunt trok zich op het laatste moment terug uit de leiderschapsrace, melden Britse media.

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