There will doubtless be much wailing and gnashing of teeth from the Zionists, but the simple fact is that Israel has lost the hearts and minds of the vast majority of people all over the world. Permanently.

While still endlessly, deceptively portraying itself as the victim, the vengeful, bloodthirsty, openly racist and now genocidal nature of the Tel Aviv regime has become all too apparent to almost the entire global population.

The Zionist project has always been a murderous criminal enterprise, but over the last few weeks more and more people have chosen to educate themselves about the history of the conflict and in doing so come to the inevitable conclusion that Israel is a thief, aggressor and serial killer. Most notably and hearteningly, more and more Jewish people - particularly in the United States - have followed the lead taken by @mikopeled and many other laudable individuals and are deserting Zionism, which mendaciously still tries to shackle itself and its atrocities to every Jewish person in the world.

Though the majority of Western politicians and corporate media remains under the spell of the Zionist power and wealth configuration, this too will have an end date as support for Israel becomes the province solely of pariahs, racist fanatics and war criminals.


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