Christenen opgelet:


Hierover geen enkel protest, maar als Oost-Europese landen van hun oude conmunistische rechters af willen is dit 'een gevaar voor de democratische rechtstaat'.

Plaats een video van de Schotse komiek Billy Connelly waarin hij mislims op de korrel neemt en wordt ontslagen:

Mijn weerwoord naar Dan (The Iconoclast) n.a.v. bovenstaande video:

Here's what struck me about your latest video on Asda's firing of a disabled elderly man who dared to post a Billy Connelly video:

You cite Brendan O'Neill and the way you introduced that snippet suggested that he's, in your words, 'totally out of touch with reality'. So I listened to what he had to say and it was absolutely spot-on! Now, I had never even heard of the man and I suspect you can't take him seriously due to multiple previous comments that you probably deemed highly annoying. Not knowing who O'Neill is or what his general stance is, however, allowed me to weigh his words in an unbiased manner. I honestly can't find fault with his statement in your video!

So tell me exactly what is wrong with him saying that muslims should embrace our western values of freedom of thought and freedom of speech? Your counter argument is that societies are based on identities, not ideas. Do you honestly believe that tired alt right chestnut? Do you still subscribe to right-wing identity politics? What you are advocating is nothing short of the same mindless tribalism that muslims adhere to. No ideas, just identity. Ten Commandments anyone? Separation of Powers, Trias Politica? Ah, forget it, those are just "ideas". Now let me fight you to the death based on my perceived superior identity, off with your heads!

The past 300 years have been crucial to the formation of true superiority for a civilization - and that's ideas. There's a reason why this is called the Age of Enlightment or Age of Reason. It's exactly that which Brendan O'Neill appeals to - and rightly so, if you ask me. If muslims can't subscribe to that - and we all know they don't - they should be kicked out to whatever shithole they came from and have their medieval Sharia "justice" there. Now, if your criticism against O'Neill was directed at him failing to state that these muslims should get the hell out I could stand behind that no problem. But his statement that our society is still based on certain basic freedoms is not at all 'out of touch with reality', but in fact an important reminder to a dumbed-down British population, which was never taught this in their History or Civics classes. If anything, this message should be repeated more often, so bravo Mr. O'Neill!

Is a strictly identitarian society truly the society you want for Britain and other western nation states? If we hadn't had the Age of Enlightenment we would still be bogged down in the primitive tribalism that characterized early European societies. It's IDEAS which caused us to become civilized human beings. It will be a tall order to restore these all-important values in Britain and elsewhere in the west, but if we succumb to alt right identitarianism as the answer to islamic identitarianism we are equally doomed. Me thinks you've been watching a few too many Mark Collett vids.

It is HIGHER VALUES, in other words; IDEAS, which turn us into higher beings, whether they be spiritual or religious in nature or whether they are based in secular humanism. And the great thing is, here in the west those two have been able to exist side by side for the last three centuries without us bashing each other's heads in, based on mindless tribalist identitarianism! The problem is, we have taken our hard-fought freedoms for granted, causing the left to hijack these very ideas and turn them into identity politics, while claiming they're fighting for "equality". Hopefully now you can see why you can't fight left-wing identitarianism with right-wing identitarianism. Like Einstein said: you can't solve a problem at the same level from where it originated. You need to TRANSCEND the problem based on IDEAS. Our ability to THINK is what separates civilized humans from animalistic tribalists.

This brings me back to my email to you about Jordan Peterson and how I felt you were spewing alt right comments about their victim du jour. I'm surprised you didn't call Brendan O'Neill a "boomer", one of the alt right's favorite derogatory terms, as their identitarianism is even divisive for the right in its entirety, playing off the old against the young. Peterson was making a similar point as O'Neill does in your video: it's about IDEAS based on INDIVIDUALISM, NOT GROUP IDENTITY. I believe you totally missed the point and you're doing it now once again. If we forget where we came from, we won't know where we're going. The left has been very successful in rewriting history and cutting us off from our historic and traditional ties. They want to rally people around identity politics, when it should be VALUES AND IDEAS we should be rallying around. It's what has caused western civilization to become THE MOST SUCCESSFUL modern civilization on the planet - no wonder these primitive lowlifes all want to come here and turn it into shitholes! It's IDEAS we should be defending and reminding our populations of, exactly like Mr. O'Neill does. And if enough of us can go back to embracing these very ideas, our national and cultural identities will follow. IDEAS create civilized identities, the alternative is primitive tribalism without ideas and values.

Ik heb inmiddels diverse podcasts gezien en beluisterd van die Brendan O'Neill. Niks mis mee, verstandige man!

Inmiddels heeft Dan als volgt geantwoord:

I’m sorry but I totally disagree. Why would millions of Muslims in the west decide to give up their very personal and historically important collective mindsets just to embrace freedom of speech and social liberalism? The reason why they are currently winning is because of this devotion to their collective people, mixed with our total lack of commitment to ours.

Tribalism isn’t an ideal it’s just human reality. Demographics will prove this over the next 20 years. Without writing an essay that’s the basis of what I think about this.

Hier mijn reactie:

Tribalism is not the answer, not in a civilized society.. What do you propose as a solution? Civil war? Rounding them up in concentration camps, like the Chinese (and stealing their organs in the process)? Of course they're not going to embrace our values. 50 generations of incest has turned them into very low IQ individuals and with no two brain cells to rub together of course they won't accept the concept of individual freedoms.

Watch how Trump will handle this problem after his re-election in 2020. Right now he's replacing corrupt activist judges across the country, otherwise the entire legal system won't mean diddly squat and these animals will continue to be let loose on society. There's also a Day of Reckoning coming for the Deep State very, very soon. Once he's got all his ducks in a row he can begin in earnest to round up millions of illegals and start deporting these dregs. Serious offenses (rape, murder, extreme physical violence) will mean immediate deportation, lesser offenses will be subject to a 3-strikes-you're-out rule. There will also be a death penalty for child rapists and traitors to the country.

Trump understands that mob rule is not the answer, only the rule of law is. If we don't have that, we have nothing. The Judicial Branch is based on those very values that allow us to transcend primitive tribalism. You missed this point then when Peterson was trying to make it, you're missing it now when O'Neill does. Seems you're allowing yourself to be dragged into that dark hole of alt right instant-gratification politics. Change will be arduous and painfully slow, you can't undo a half-century of the left dominating the culture war overnight. But it can be done, and it needs to be done based on higher principles and values, if we're not to succumb to barbarism!

De ‘Lion of London Bridge’, die islamitische terroristen dapper heeft bestreden, is door de Britse regering op een antiradicaliserings-terreurwachtlist geplaatst uit vrees dat hij een rechts-extremist zou kunnen worden.



Ik kan werkelijk niet snappen wat Dan (The Iconoclast) heeft tegen Brendan O'Neill. Voor mij wordt steeds duidelijker dat ik niet langer artikelen kan schrijven voor zijn blad als hij de 'alt right'-richting op gaat.

Dankzij Dan (The Iconoclast) heb ik nu Brendan O'Neill ontdekt. Ik kan er niet bij dat hij iets tegen hem heeft! Hier O'Neill, die millennials 'foot soldiers of the establishment' en 'slaves of the status quo' noemt:

En terwijl ik dit zit te beluisteren klinkt het ineens heel bekend. En wat blijkt? Ik heb dit filmje al eens gedeeld in 2017! Daarom nu onderstaande andere video waarin Brendan O'Neill aan het woord is, deze keer over de transgender-beweging:


Maar goed dat die Brit niets heeft!

The left eat their own:


BREAKING: Tommy Robinson Re-Convicted for Reporting on Grooming Gang — Faces Up To Two Years in Prison



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