[Forwarded from AbsoluteConviction1776 ✝️🗽🇺🇸 (Absolute1776)]
They’re trying to force Boris out. Why? I don’t know.

What I do know - is that the UK would have been a HELL of a lot worse during Covid if not for Brexit.

I’m not convinced that he is fully on [their] side. Why has their media relentlessly attacked Boris the same way our media did Trump? Why do they keep trying and trying to oust him?

De Britse krant The Mirror publiceerde in januari een lijst van 50 leugens en schandalen waarbij de premier betrokken is geweest.

In het Verenigd Koninkrijk hebben verscheidene bewindslieden hun functie neergelegd. Het gaat om staatssecretaris Walker van Scholen, staatssecretaris Quince van Kinderen en Gezinszaken, minister Sunak van Financiën en minister Javid van Volksgezondheid. De bewindslieden geven om verschillende redenen aan niet langer verder te kunnen onder premier Boris Johnson, wiens politieke toekomst al langere tijd onzeker is als gevolg van een reeks schandalen. Ook een aantal minder prominente leden van de Conservatieve Partij legden hun werk voor Johnson neer. In december 2021 diende brexitminister David Frost ook al zijn ontslag in uit onvrede over het beleid van Johnson. Hij gaf destijds aan problemen te hebben met Johnsons coronabeleid en zijn plannen voor belastingverhoging en vergroening.

🇬🇧🇺🇦The political crisis in the UK will leave Ukraine without the help of the West.

In case of withdrawal Johnson from the post of prime minister, the European determination to support Kiev will weaken, writes the BBC.

The resignation of the head of government will be followed by a long political uncertainty, which will "set back all the efforts of the West."

Today, Britain ranks second in the world and first in Europe in terms of military assistance to Ukraine.

London has already allocated £2.3 billion for the supply of weapons to Kiev.

Efforts to "support Ukraine" helped Johnson divert attention from scandals inside the country and retain power.

If he leaves, the situation may change dramatically.

rt.com 10 Jul, 2022 09:19
HomeWorld News

Education minister explains why she flipped off crowd​

Andrea Jenkyns said she had to ‘stand up for herself’ by giving the middle finger to a gathering outside Downing Street
Education minister explains why she flipped off crowd

Andrea Jenkyns © Kirsty O'Connor / PA Images via Getty Images

The newly appointed UK education minister explained on Saturday why she gave the middle finger to a crowd outside Downing Street, saying she had to “stand up for herself.”

Andrea Jenkyns, a Tory MP, made the rude gesture on Thursday when a crowd booed her as she entered Downing Street to watch UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson deliver his resignation speech.

Responding to backlash over the incident, the minister said she had faced “huge amounts of abuse from some of the people who were there over the years,”adding that she had also received death threats. “I had reached the end of my tether,” she explained.

However, Jenkyns conceded that she “should have shown more composure,”adding that she is “only a human.”

Her latest apology, however, was considered inadequate by some representatives in the education sector.“In my 32 years as a teacher, 15 of them as headteacher, I inevitably dealt with moments of poor behavior and inappropriate conduct – from young people and staff,” Geoff Barton, general secretary of the Association of School and College Leaders, said on Saturday, adding that “I’m only human” was never a good enough excuse.
Boris Johnson considers leaving politics – mediaREAD MORE: Boris Johnson considers leaving politics – media
Jenkyns’ comments came after Mark Spencer, the leader of the House of Commons, criticized her gesture as unacceptable. “I do understand emotions were running pretty high and they were pretty raw on that day,” he told BBC earlier, referring to the day of Boris Johnson’s resignation. “But I don’t think that was the right thing to do at all.”

Andrea Jenkyns was appointed as parliamentary undersecretary of state for education on July 8 when Boris Johnson had to reshuffle his government after a wave of cabinet resignations. The UK prime minister announced on Thursday that he would step down too, but will remain as party leader until a successor is selected, with a number of heavyweight British political figures scrambling to fill his shoes.
rt.com 19 Jul, 2022 16:07
HomeWorld News

Boris Johnson claims ‘deep state’ plot against Brexit​

The UK prime minister, due to leave office in September, has warned that his successors could try to rejoin the EU
Boris Johnson claims ‘deep state’ plot against Brexit

FILE PHOTO: Boris Johnson speaks during a press conference in Downing Street, London, May 25 2022 © AP / Leon Neal

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson claimed in parliament on Monday that the Labour Party and the so-called “deep state” would try to rejoin the European Union once he leaves office in September. Labour leader Keir Starmer called Johnson’s comments “delusional.”
With a Conservative Party contest to replace Johnson currently in full swing, the embattled prime minister won a confidence vote in parliament on Monday, ensuring that he will remain in office until his party names a successor in September. The vote was called by the government itself, in response to a Labour Party motion to censure Johnson.

“Some people will say as I leave office that this is the end of Brexit… and the leader of the opposition and the deep state will prevail in its plot to haul us back into alignment with the EU as a prelude to our eventual return,” Johnson declared before the vote.
“We on this side of the House will prove them wrong, won’t we?” he continued, in a question directed at Tory MPs.
Moscow mocks Boris Johnson's fighter jet stunt
Moscow mocks Boris Johnson's fighter jet stunt

Popularized by former US President Donald Trump, the “deep state” is a phrase used to denote the legions of government bureaucrats, intelligence operatives and aides who, despite being unelected, work to shape policy. Trump repeatedly accused these officials of working to stymie his agenda throughout his presidency.
Johnson named Starmer, the Scottish independence movement and the Liberal Democrats as players in the supposed“deep state” plot, but did not point the finger at any perceived culprits within the civil service.

While Starmer campaigned in 2019 for a second referendum aimed at overturning the 2016 vote to leave the EU, he has since about-turned on Brexit. While he described the result of the referendum as “catastrophic,” he vowed earlier this month not to attempt to bring the UK back into the EU’s single market or customs union, and said that he would “make Brexit work.”
Johnson was doubtful. “Be in no doubt, if he were ever to come to power with his hopeless coalition of Liberal Democrats and Scottish nationalists, he would try to do so again at the drop of a hat,” the prime minister said of Starmer and his failed attempts to “overturn the will of the people.”

READ MORE: London falling: Britain's military decline exposes NATO's collapse in credibility and capability

“The delusion is never-ending,” Starmer responded. “What a relief for the country that they finally got round to sacking him.”
Just three candidates remain in the running to succeed Johnson, with one set for elimination after a penultimate round of voting concludes on Wednesday. Former chancellor Rishi Sunak is currently pulling in the most votes, with trade minister Penny Mordaunt and Foreign Secretary Liz Truss following in second and third places respectively.

Once the list is narrowed down to two candidates, the Conservative Party’s 150,000 or so members nationwide will take part in a postal vote to determine a winner.
rt.com 19 Jul, 2022 16:07
HomeWorld News

Boris Johnson claims ‘deep state’ plot against Brexit​

The UK prime minister, due to leave office in September, has warned that his successors could try to rejoin the EU
Boris Johnson claims ‘deep state’ plot against Brexit

FILE PHOTO: Boris Johnson speaks during a press conference in Downing Street, London, May 25 2022 © AP / Leon Neal

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson claimed in parliament on Monday that the Labour Party and the so-called “deep state” would try to rejoin the European Union once he leaves office in September. Labour leader Keir Starmer called Johnson’s comments “delusional.”
With a Conservative Party contest to replace Johnson currently in full swing, the embattled prime minister won a confidence vote in parliament on Monday, ensuring that he will remain in office until his party names a successor in September. The vote was called by the government itself, in response to a Labour Party motion to censure Johnson.

“Some people will say as I leave office that this is the end of Brexit… and the leader of the opposition and the deep state will prevail in its plot to haul us back into alignment with the EU as a prelude to our eventual return,” Johnson declared before the vote.
“We on this side of the House will prove them wrong, won’t we?” he continued, in a question directed at Tory MPs.
Moscow mocks Boris Johnson's fighter jet stunt's fighter jet stunt
Moscow mocks Boris Johnson's fighter jet stunt
Popularized by former US President Donald Trump, the “deep state” is a phrase used to denote the legions of government bureaucrats, intelligence operatives and aides who, despite being unelected, work to shape policy. Trump repeatedly accused these officials of working to stymie his agenda throughout his presidency.
Johnson named Starmer, the Scottish independence movement and the Liberal Democrats as players in the supposed“deep state” plot, but did not point the finger at any perceived culprits within the civil service.

While Starmer campaigned in 2019 for a second referendum aimed at overturning the 2016 vote to leave the EU, he has since about-turned on Brexit. While he described the result of the referendum as “catastrophic,” he vowed earlier this month not to attempt to bring the UK back into the EU’s single market or customs union, and said that he would “make Brexit work.”
Johnson was doubtful. “Be in no doubt, if he were ever to come to power with his hopeless coalition of Liberal Democrats and Scottish nationalists, he would try to do so again at the drop of a hat,” the prime minister said of Starmer and his failed attempts to “overturn the will of the people.”

READ MORE: London falling: Britain's military decline exposes NATO's collapse in credibility and capability

“The delusion is never-ending,” Starmer responded. “What a relief for the country that they finally got round to sacking him.”
Just three candidates remain in the running to succeed Johnson, with one set for elimination after a penultimate round of voting concludes on Wednesday. Former chancellor Rishi Sunak is currently pulling in the most votes, with trade minister Penny Mordaunt and Foreign Secretary Liz Truss following in second and third places respectively.

Once the list is narrowed down to two candidates, the Conservative Party’s 150,000 or so members nationwide will take part in a postal vote to determine a winner.
Opvallend dat Johnson de term Deep State gebruikt. Projectie?

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