rt.com 6 Oct, 2022 22:32
HomeWorld News

US comments on deploying nuclear weapons to Poland​

Washington has no plans to move nuclear arms to any of its Eastern European NATO allies, the State Department says
US comments on deploying nuclear weapons to Poland

FILE PHOTO. © Getty Images / Win McNamee

The US will not deploy any nuclear weapons to Poland or any other NATO nation in Eastern Europe, State Department Deputy Spokesman Vedant Patel told journalists on Thursday.

Patel was responding to a proposal from the President of Poland, Andrzej Duda, who advocated for Warsaw's participation in Washington's “nuclear sharing” scheme. The Polish leader also claimed that Warsaw discussed the issue with Washington and such a possibility “remains open.”
The US “has no plans to deploy nuclear weapons” to any nation that “has joined NATO post-1997,” he said. The spokesman called Warsaw “an important NATO ally in the region” but added that he is not aware of this particular issue “being raised” in talks between the two allies.

Polish president sets out nuclear ambition
Polish president sets out nuclear ambition
Currently, US nuclear weapons are deployed in Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, and Turkey as part of the nuclear sharing program. The five NATO members only host the nukes, which remain in the ownership of Washington.
The discussion came amid concerns among the western nations about a potential use of nuclear weapons by Russia, which is involved in a protracted conflict with Ukraine. Last month, Russian President Vladimir Putin warned that Moscow was ready to “use all means” to defend itself if its territorial integrity was under threat. His words were then perceived by some in the West as an alleged threat to use nuclear weapons in the ongoing conflict.

High-ranking officials in Moscow as well as Russia’s ambassador to the US, Anatoly Antonov, then insisted that Russia was not threatening anyone with nukes since it still believes a nuclear conflict cannot be won and thus should not be started.

De Amerikaanse president Joe Biden vindt dat de nucleaire dreiging 'terug is op het niveau van de Koude Oorlog'. Tijdens een evenement in New York zei Biden dat de wereld een kernramp riskeert die het leven op aarde kan beëindigen.

"Sinds Kennedy en de Cubaanse rakettencrisis zijn we niet meer geconfronteerd met een naderend armageddon", stelt Biden. De Amerikaanse president waarschuwt dat de Russische president Vladimir Poetin 'geen grap maakt' als hij dreigt nucleaire wapens in te zetten bij de strijd in Oekraïne.

rt.com 7 Oct, 2022 04:03
HomeWorld News

Biden warns of nuclear ‘Armageddon’​

The American leader expresses concern that Ukraine conflict could involve atomic weapons
Biden warns of nuclear ‘Armageddon’

US President Joe Biden arrives at the Monmouth Executive Landing Zone in Wall Township, New Jersey, October 6, 2022. © AP / Andrew Harnik

US President Joe Biden has said the risk of nuclear war is at the highest level since the peak of Cold War brinkmanship in the 1960s. He further claimed that Russia could seek to deploy some of its huge arsenal in Ukraine.

Speaking at a fundraiser for Democratic candidates in New York on Thursday, Biden invoked a biblical reference to warn of potential nuclear annihilation, stating that soaring hostilities between Russia, Ukraine and the West could escalate to outright “Armageddon.”
“[For the] first time since the Cuban missile crisis, we have a direct threat of the use [of a] nuclear weapon if in fact things continue down the path they are going,” the president said, apparently referring to the war still raging in Eastern Europe.
“We have not faced the prospect of Armageddon since [US President John F.] Kennedy.”

Biden went on to assert that the Russian military is “significantly underperforming”in Ukraine, saying that could raise the stakes in the conflict, ultimately leading to a dangerous spike in violence should Moscow become desperate.
US clarifies position on deploying nuclear weapons to PolandREAD MORE: US clarifies position on deploying nuclear weapons to Poland

Despite the president’s dire warnings, however, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said earlier this week that officials had not seen “any reason to adjust our own strategic nuclear posture,”as there is no indication that Russia is “preparing to imminently to use nuclear weapons.” Pentagon spokesperson Brigadier General Pat Ryder echoed those remarks on Thursday, telling reporters that Russia has not made a decision to use nukes.

Still, US officials have repeatedly pointed to the possibility of an atomic strike throughout the war, as well as the use of biological or chemical weapons. Although Moscow has shown no signs that it intends to deploy such weapons, Russian President Vladimir Putin said in a recent speech that his country has “various means of destruction,” and that he would not hesitate to use them to defend Russian territory. “It’s not a bluff,” he added.

The 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis erupted after the Soviet Union stationed nuclear-capable munitions in Cuba in retaliation for a similar move by Washington in Turkey. It is generally considered to be the closest the East and West ever came to a full-on nuclear exchange during the decades-long Cold War, but was ultimately resolved after both sides agreed to reverse their deployments.

Compleet gestoord, die idioot!

En nog een idioot:

En nog een idioot:

Zelf denk ik dat dit niet gaat gebeuren..
En terecht. Bekijk de geschiedenis van na WOll. Wie blijkt dan steeds de agressor te zijn? Juist de VS. De k aan o.a. Irak, Vietnam en nu dan Oekraïne, 1 van de meest corrupte landen ter wereld.
Dood en binnen een paar uur gecremeerd. :unsure:


Door vertaler gehaald:
Het plaatsvervangend hoofd van het Zweedse openbaar ministerie, Erik Olsson, die beloofde de wereld de waarheid te vertellen over de ontploffing van de Nord Stream-pijp en die de geheime dienst ervan beschuldigde dat hij probeerde de belangrijkste sabotageprotocollen van de kustwacht in beslag te nemen, is dood aangetroffen in zijn huis. Blijkbaar werd hij gestoken door een bij, met een onmiddellijke allergische reactie en een anafylactische shock tot gevolg.

De politie van Stockholm meldde enkele details van wat er gebeurd is: het lichaam werd gevonden toen de officier van justitie niet kwam opdagen voor zijn werk. Vlakbij werd het testament van Ulsson gevonden met het verzoek hem bij overlijden onmiddellijk te cremeren, wat enkele uren later werd uitgevoerd. Volgens de politie die het lichaam vond, waren er geen aanwijzingen voor het criminele karakter van het incident, zodat er geen strafzaak zal worden geopend. Collega's van de openbare aanklager hebben reeds hun medeleven betuigd aan zijn familie.

De tragische dood van Olsson is al aanleiding voor speculaties en de verspreiding van complottheorieën - zo zijn er op het net foto's van tien jaar geleden gevonden waarop hij is vastgelegd in een bijenstal vlak naast zijn buitenverblijf in de gemeente Lund. De politie publiceerde echter snel de opmerking van een deskundige dat een krachtige allergie voor bijensteken zelfs op hoge leeftijd plotseling kan ontstaan.
North Korean missile tests are nothing more than “normal and planned” acts of self-defense against Washington’s “direct military threats,” a spokesman for the country’s aviation authority said on Saturday.

Over the last 12 days, the DPRK has conducted six launches, including Tuesday’s of an intermediate-range missile over Japan. Its actions have prompted international condemnation.

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