Neon schreef gisteren ook over Parler :
Secondly, I’m going to add here that I now have a Parler account.
I’m just going to say it up front, though: I hate Parler.
Despite what it says, it’s not actually a free speech site, it has a terrible ToS, its interface is hot garbage, the fact that you need a phone number to sign up is sad, and there’s a whole back-end for ensuring that Gatekeepers can buy “influence” and control conversations, crowding out enterprising upstarts because they have deeper wallets. We already know Bongino is heavily invested in Parler, which is why he promotes it so much, but I suspect a number of back-room deals were made to astroturf Parler among Conservative Gatekeepers. Palms were greased here, and I think a lot of this was due to (the now fired) Brad Parscale, but really, it is markedly worse than just about every other available alternative by every measurable metric.
On top of that, it’s basically a ghost town.
But I have a Parler now, so if you use it, feel free to follow me there.
Parler Free Speech Social Network
Parler is an unbiased social media focused on real user experiences and engagement. Free expression without violence and no censorship. Parler never shares your personal data.
To be sure, I don’t post there much at all. But if this is the only way I can get articles and videos out to you, I’d rather have you be connected than not.