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Voorbeeld brief. Deze heb ik verstuurd aan de Amerikaanse ambassade, de Russische ambassade en aan het witte huis in Washington.

The Netherlands

Tot he White House

To Mr. President Trump
Ambassade van de Verenigde Staten van Amerika
John Adams Park 1
2244BZ Wassenaar

To Mr. President Poetin
Consulaire Afdeling Russische Ambassade
Scheveningseweg 2
2517KT Den Haag

This letter is written in threefold to both Presidents Trump and Poetin via Embassy and the White House .

Subject: Asking for help due to emergency situation in the Netherlands!

Dear Mr. President,

We are seriously worried about the situation in the Netherlands (as in most of the world) due to the covid19 crisis, the lockdowns and the coming (forced) vaccinations and the whole New World Order Plan of our government, who seem to be corrupted and influenced by the cabal. We are asking for your help!

Even though there is some opening up since a few weeks in the lockdown rules, our government wants to push a law through by 1 july which takes away a good part of our rights and freedoms and will make living very different, for the mandatory distance between people of 1,5 meters will be in the law, as will be the right for police to invade our houses without cause and it will be forbidden to be together with more than 3 people and more so. Many in our country do not realise what this means and what the consequences are for our society, or they comply, even though they do not agree. Most people are not awake yet to the agenda of the New World Order and are brainwashed by and still believe in our government and the main stream media. A lot of them still believe the narrative of the pandemic instead of the plandemic which wants very different things for our future.
We ask for your help. Our government does not have our best interest in mind and does not serve us the people, but their own new world order agenda. They say our only salvation and cure for the covid19 is vaccination. Even when now is clear that this is not a pandemic as has been told to us by official channels. And that the numbers are very different. Other medications and care are being shut out or denied or forbidden and censored. The government has signed a contract with Astra Zeneca, together with Germany, France and Italy for untested and unproven vaccins and are openly admitting there will also be a nanochip. Our freedoms of choice, of integrity of the body and of speech and so on are taken away from us step by step, our freedoms violated, choices taken away. We feel very cornered.

Because we are awake and have informed ourselves through alternative media we know the plans of the cabal, the New World Order. We know that there will come a time where we cannot say no to the vaccin with nanochip, which will change our life in an unwanted and inhumane way. This time will be very soon if no one intervenes. Many in our country do not realise the danger for their children and themselves. They are misinformed by the government and the media. Some of us are keyboardwarriors and fight the good fight for freedom and truth. We ask for your help and intervention to stop what is coming! Please intervene!! We ask especially for the coming generations, the children who now are living in very sickening conditions, where they cannot even be free to be themselves and play with their friends and hug their grandparents. The schoolsystem is sick. We know you already saved a lot of children from the plans of the cabal and are asking you to do the same fort he dutch children and those from other countries.

We want to stop the criminal activities of our government and those on very high end positions with a cabal agenda. We want to hold them accountable and judge and punish them fort heir crimes, the crimes of the past and the crimes against us in this covid19 hoax, which cost many their lives, their livelyhood and purposely crashed our economy.. Years there have been silence and muffling away of very serious crimes that have to do with human trafficking, pedofilia, abuse, drugs, rapes and more on a very high level, even up tot he royal family. The government refuses to do something about it, or is involved or is blackmailed and so forth. Very serious crimes have been hidden from us, but now everything is coming to light and we are aware it had to do with the dark forces of cabal, infiltrated deeply into our systems. We want justice and freedom from these corrupt systems. We know this can change if you help us. We are not alone, there are hundreds of thousands with us waking up to the truth.

We know there is a new rightfull King of England; Joseph Gregory Hallet, John 3. That is how we also know this has remnifications for our own royal house. We also know now that our King Alexander(and before him Beatrix etc.) is illegally at the throne, for his grandmother Queen Wilhelmina fled the Netherlands in Worldwar 2 to Canada and therefore she lost the right to be queen. Also their familylines reveal now they are on the throne without given rights. They have been manipulating us for a long time and are also part of the satanic dark forces. Many children were their victims. Please help us end this!
We ask your guidance and advice, what can we do?
What can we do together with others that are awake?
Without your interveniance, we fear a policestate, where all our freedoms are taken away, where our children will no longer be free and genetically changed. We fear fort he future of mankind.

We no longer trust the WHO( in Netherlands RIVM), they manipulate us, lie about numbers, give conflicting advice and follow the New World Order agenda. Whom can we trust? The government, the media, the big industries are all-in the pocket of the New World Order and the masses believe them, though the group of awake people is growing fast. If we do not do something now, many will be vaccinated and our lives will never bet he same again. There are so many lies fabricated by New World Order members that it might be too late to change our society and our lives if there is no intervenience. We do know only a small group of elite is dictating this worldwide scenario of lockdown and its remnifications. We also know we the people, also speaking for those who are still asleep, do not wish to continue on this totalitarian road to our demise. We wish for all the world to be free from the globalism plan to alter our nature and our right to choose our own path. Humans are meant to find their own light and for centuries this has been taken from us by manipulating and brainwashing us. Times are changing and everything is coming to light, truth is revealed.

We also have faith, the light will drive out the dark, good will conquer evil. We thank you for the good work you do driving out the dark forces, for the freedom of your people and the people of the world. We hope you can do something for us very soon, We know that you know what is going on and we cannot mention everything in this letter, for i twill be too long. But we have seen that you work against the cabal and are determined to free us from the decades or centuries of slavery. We thank you for that. We are really gratefull. We only hope change will come soon and it will not be too late to rescue many from the vaccins. Thank you so much for everything you are doing and everything you are making possible, we support you from the Netherlands.

With high regards, much respect and much love,

Marcel van Damme.


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