X22 Report

A popular meme suggests that those who believe the military will have a role to play in saving the U.S. are content to sit on their asses and do nothing.

The fact is: those who trust the military also research the crimes of the elites, produce videos, articles, and podcasts, donate to support new media, run for public office, spread the truth, and generally screw up the deep state's plans.

Trusting patriots in the military and being a responsible citizen are not mutually exclusive.

One can do both.

WE are our own best friend, or our own worst enemy.

WWG1WGA (Where We Go 1 We Go All) is the slogan, because WE ARE THE PLAN that are supposed to work together, despite our differences for the COMMON GOOD of our great Nation.

It’s literally IN the slogan.

To be clear…

Just because the military isn’t coming to “save” us directly, as in a “martial law” kind of scenario where the they take control of our nation forcefully (which would be VERY BAD), that does NOT mean that there isn’t positive forward movement from certain elements behind the scenes.

I do believe there are “good guys” pulling certain strings, and when the time comes, that justice will prevail by way of military courts, however the process will be clean, swift & LEGAL.


We ALL just want to see some JUSTICE.

I believe that God absolutely WANTS to give us that justice…

BUT, it will be done His way & on His timetable.

WE have to humble ourselves, and turn from our wickedness first. We must STOP looking to man alone to fix our world.

“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land."

2 Chronicles 7:14

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2 x X22 Report:

2 x X22 Report - binnenkort gaan Twitter en de onderzoeken in het Huis van Afgevaardigden hand in hand, normies die TV kijken of op het internet zitten zullen de WAARHEID OVER ALLES te weten komen!

Nieuwe X22 Reports:

2 x X22 Report - 2023 Year of the Boomerang:


2 x X22 Report - het tij is gekeerd en nu staan [ZIJ] in de schijnwerpers!

Nieuwe X22 Reports - Biden nu officieel onderwerp van onderzoek maar zal voortijdig worden weggewerkt op basis van 'dementie' via het 25e grondwettelijke amendement (precies zoals Trump 2 jaar geleden voorspelde), met als doel om Hillary of Big Mike erin te schuiven.

2 x X22 Report - checkmate voor Biden:


De nieuwste X22 report:

Wat zal Zero day inhouden?

Even over March Madness: daar spraken we hier al in 2018 over. Blijkbaar is het iets dat elk jaar weer terug komt, net zoals april showers en red oktober met elk jaar een iets andere invulling.

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