X22 Report

Als het zaadje er niet al was zou het ook niet kunnen groeien. Dit is helaas ook onderdeel van The Great Awakening. Wat Dave wel goed ziet is dat er overal in de wereld brandhaarden moeten ontstaan om de gehele mensheid ervan te doordringen dat deze waanzin moet stoppen. Er komt dus nog veel meer. Not everything will be clean (Q). De zin 'have faith in humanity' slaat volgens mij op het keerpunt (precipice,) waarop de mensheid zoveel verdeeldheid en ontmenselijking doormaakt dat er geen andere weg meer is dan onze gezamenlijke menselijkheid te hervinden. We moeten hier helaas dus nog doorheen, de oude wereld en de nieuwe wereld bestaan nu nog naast elkaar.

We moeten hier helaas dus nog doorheen, de oude wereld en de nieuwe wereld bestaan nu nog naast elkaar.

Het offensief tijdens corona periode was een stukje in NL van de nieuwe wereld. Althans zo zie ik dat. Er was iets ontstaan tegen het systeem. Nu is Corona weg en gaat iedereen zijn gang. Voorbeeld: Zomer op terras. Herfst winter in de file voor werk. Zolang je dat ziet is er nog oude wereld.

Positief kant. Ik zie ook veel verbinding en behoefte hieraan onderling. Communities worden gebouwd waar ik graag bij aansluit.
Allereerst, het bestaan van Q kan (nog) niet worden toegegeven. Daarnaast is de boodschap van Flynn heel duidelijk: we moeten het ZELF doen, NIEMAND komt ons redden. Daar heeft hij ook volledig gelijk in en het is ook helemaal de boodschap van Q. Wachten op het leger is zinloos, het leger wacht deze keer op ons. Het wordt zo bloedig en duister als wij toestaan. Not everything will be clean. Een groot thema van Flynn is 5th Generation Warfare. Q spreekt over: information warfare. Ze spreken wel degelijk dezelfde taal.

Lees je ook even mee, Dave? Beste analyse tot dusver. Er kan nu echt geen enkele twijfel meer over bestaan, Israel heeft het gedaan.

Lees je ook even mee, Dave? Beste analyse tot dusver. Er kan nu echt geen enkele twijfel meer over bestaan, Israel heeft het gedaan.



While I respect @GenFlynn
immensely, and agree that we need everyone to get active locally, I disagree with his assessment that it was a "disservice", especially when the Q operation, which was 45's backchannel to all of us to bypass the fake news, resulted in waking up TENS if not HUNDREDS of MILLIONS of people worldwide, and getting them MORE engaged in the fight for freedom in their respective countries than ever before in history.

45 told us back then...

...and he consistently, to this day, gives the Q community countless winks and nods at his rallies and on Truth Social.

Everyone is entitled to believe & say what they want. We are engaged in an information war. Read everything with a critical eye, use logic, use discernment, trust your gut, keep fighting, and most importantly, pray.

I will continue to link past drops to current events as they unfold. There have been many examples of "Future proves past" and "News unlocks", not to mention all the proofs posted at https://qproofs.com, created & maintained by @FedupWithSwamp
Alright @GenFlynn - I have defended you and supported you and I financially supported your legal battles. Hell, you followed me for years under my account @40_Head before it was suspended. We understand that you may not be part of the Q group but based on your words, you are totally ignorant of what this "psyop" was doing. Remember, PsyOps are not always negative. Sometimes they produce great fruit!

I’ll be damned if anybody in this movement is sitting on their ass waiting for shit to happen! This movement has spurred more research and more threads and more public dissemination of hidden facts than any other movement in the history of the world! We've informed millions!If you don’t see value in that then I can't understand you're reasoning.

The fact is, Q, and everybody in this movement has encouraged each other to get active, to call our representatives, to call our senators, to call our governors and to vote accordingly. We have been encouraged to go to city council meetings, and to county hearings, and school board hearings. We are there! We've been encouraged to build our faith in God, to pray, to gird ourselves in the full armor of God.

Our voices are being heard! Trump didn’t get 74 million votes in 2020 because we were sitting on our asses! You have done a huge disservice to your own reputation by coming out with this statement of ignorance.

I'll also say this, whoever Q is, they were in Trump's Whitehouse until he left because the zero Delta drops kept lining up with Trump's tweets, all the way through 2020. That means Q and Trump or at least Q and Scavino were working together to time their postings and their content. The drops are still coming to fruition, they're still gold in the hands of digital soldiers. We're still red polling life long Democrats with them.

But here's the deal, I won't run an agenda against you. I'll still support you. I'll still defend you because I think you're a valuable asset for America. You've earned my respect with your years of service. But please rethink your position.

Now there’s one more thing that needs to be addressed and you were completely correct on. There are some insanely stupid beliefs that get passed around inside this movement, and I firmly believe that they are plugged into this movement by infiltrators in an effort to discredit the reputation and integrity of the individuals as well as the movement itself. JFK Jr being alive and Trump is still president and all that stuff did not come from Q drops! In fact Q adamantly said JFK Jr was dead. Q never said Trump is still the president. The military is the only way is the term that Q used but Q didn’t say that the military was gonna sack the Biden or anything like that, it’s still undetermined what that meant.

The only downfall to this movement that I see is that some people, in their excitement, will chase just about anything as long as it’s against the deep state. But even that is quickly countered by more mature and informed Anons. The fact is, the conservative base is always looking for what is being hidden and they’re always looking for the crime that has been covered up. So it’s natural for us to jump at conspiracies because they so often come true. But we dig to prove or disprove then correct faulty thinking. You are right in that aspect, some of the stuff that the fringe portion that I basically disown in this movement, still push some pretty stupid shit but it did NOT come from Q and it was already happening on the chans and reddit and GLP. It didn't start with Q. In fact Q tried to stop it!

So don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater! Instead, join us and help refute some of the things that are astronomically ridiculous. Be a voice of reason and leadership, and you’ll have millions coming to rally with you. You said you like it when people are frank and honest. I feel like I’ve been frank and honest in this message to you. God bless you and God bless this beloved country both of us are trying to save.

I have been saying something very similar to the General here with one big exception:

I believe Q was a positive psy op to spur people to begin asking the right questions and looking for the right answers.

Its served its purpose and is now redundant. The Great Awakening is underway.

I've pushed back quite strongly for some time now at the attitude that "Hey man **I** don't have to do anything at my local level...we already won. The military is in control and Trump is still President. Why would I have to do anything or get involved? All I have to do is sit right here on my fat ass and watch the show unfold and munch on my popcorn!"

Anybody telling themselves that really REALLY missed the mark. By a country mile.

There is a LOT of work to be done saving and transforming our country and anybody telling themselves they can relax and put their feet up and watch the military do the hard work for them is really really confused and needs to sit down and think that out again.


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