Zin en onzin van cryptovaluta

En hier weer die oranje verticale in 3 peaks, doomed House pattern, fase 28, igual a fase 10 van afgelopen zomer
de great leader van el salvador. hij trolled er ook lekker op los en koopt zogenaamd de dip zodat de maxi's weer van vreugde kunnen springen.

Zou best kunnen, die Chivo wallet schijnt niet goed te zijn.
Inderdaad, 2min zoeken :


Uit de tekst :

In reality, Chivo Wallet only pretends to use bitcoin* or Lightning Network* while actually setting up a custodial payments account on their centralized Lightning Network* node and settling using an internal proprietary process that actually negates the use of the blockchain at all.

en :

Chivo Wallet isn’t using BTC or Lightning Network* at all. El Salvador, while pretending to be BTC maximalists, actually signed a deal with the Algorand blockchain to handle their national blockchain infrastructure because BTC and Lightning Network* are both incapable of handling the traffic of a country the size of El Salvador, and the hype around “Bitcoin* Beach” and the rest of their marketing nonsense is little more than a ploy for Bukele to attempt to join the technocratic elite of what he’s guessing will be the future!
When bitcoins fails we will own nothing...
Right because your to stupit to see bitcoinis a deep state scam for the introduction off cbdc

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