
Today, the World Court will hear Nicaragua's case against Germany for aiding Israel's genocide in Gaza
Germany supplies 47% of Israel's total arms imports, and has authorized 4,427 individual arms export licenses to Israel since 2003. https://t.co/abBTpaa6dZ

As the reality of genocide in Gaza becomes undeniable, so too does Germany's failure to purge the spirit of Nazism. Its security services are arresting anti-genocide activists in the dead of night and banning Palestine solidarity public events as its leaders exalt in fascistic Israeli violence. The German state is exploiting its special relationship with Israel to remilitarize and reassert itself as an imperial power. Its monstrosity persists behind the veil of philosemitism.

Nicaragua's Sandinista government represents a movement of 2.5 million workers and peasants. Having suffered the wrath of an empire which sought to sabotage their revolution through a dirty war and sanctions throughout the 1980's, and which then orchestrated a violent coup attempt in 2018, they identify on a visceral level with the struggle of Palestinians. With its case against Germany, Nicaragua is galvanizing the global majority against the cruelty and moral hypocrisy of the collective West.


This is one of the most based speeches I've seen and exactly what America needs

He says to his government officials that he's not a thief and won't surrounded by thieves

He informs them they are all under investigation and mentions death insinuating that will be the penalty for corruption


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